Footeuz Diffusion Radio Stats

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Recap artiste pour toutes les années | Stats année en cours | Archives :   2023 (222 diff.)    2022 (247 diff.)    2021 (584 diff.)    2020 (1288 diff.)    2019 (545 diff.)    2018 (433 diff.)    2017 (980 diff.)    2016 (1714 diff.)    2015 (1623 diff.)    2014 (1345 diff.)    2013 (1 diff.)    2012 (0 diff.)    2011 (0 diff.)    2010 (0 diff.)    2009 (0 diff.)    2008 (0 diff.)  

Statistiques de cette année

Classement de toutes les chansons

nb diffusionschanson
4483Shut up and let me go
826That's not my name
818Shut up and let me go (2008)
408We walk
349Wrong club
311Soul killing
277Great dj
158Hit me down sonny
108Do it again
103Only love
103Green poison
101Wabi sabi
95Super critical
92Great Dj
64Keep your head
51That's Not My Name
46Be the one
28Shut Up And Let Me Go.
23Standing in the way of control
21Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
19Fruit machine
17Shut up and...
12Shut up & let me go
12Hang it up
7Traffic light
7We started nothing
6That s not my name(trans07)
2That's not my name (sfr)
2Shut up and let me go 02 min 00 (jd)
2That's not my...
2Great dj (calvin harris remix)
1Shut Up And Let Me
1That's not my name (Radio Edit)
1Shut Up And Let Me Go

The Ting Tings

Par années

annéenb diffusionsnb radiosradiosnb chansonschansons
3   Totem
2   Contact Fm
2   Radio Contact
1   ARL
1   Ouifm
1   ODS Radio
1   Virage Radio
1   Océane Fm
11   Shut up and let me go
1   That's not my name
33   Virage Radio
31   Ouifm
23   ODS Radio
19   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
14   Bac Fm
11   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
11   ARL
11   Top Music
10   Radio Mont-Blanc
9   Cannes radio
7   Toulouse Fm
6   RTL2
5   Radio MTI
5   Radio 8
5   Totem
4   RMB
4   Océane Fm
3   Activ' Radio
3   Radio Star Est
3   47 FM
2   Radio Nova
1   Direct Fm
1   Mint
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
169   Shut up and let me go
52   That's not my name
1   Great dj
38   Cannes radio
33   Radio Mont-Blanc
30   Europe 2 ElectroShock
30   Europe 2 Classics
22   Ouifm
19   Radio 8
18   47 FM
16   Top Music
11   Direct Fm
7   Mint
7   Bac Fm
4   Toulouse Fm
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Contact Fm
3   RMB
2   Sun
1   Radio Cristal
161   Shut up and let me go
43   That's not my name
41   Shut up and let me go (2008)
1   Great dj
1   Standing in the way of control
131   Europe 2 ElectroShock
107   Europe 2 Classics
59   Radio Med
40   Virage Radio
37   Ouifm
29   ODS Radio
25   Direct Fm
24   47 FM
20   Cannes radio
19   Bac Fm
18   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
15   Mint
15   Sun
14   Radio Jeunes Reims
10   Neptune Fm
5   Europe 2
4   Toulouse Fm
4   RTL2
3   Contact Fm
2   Top Music
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   RMB
1   RPL
282   Shut up and let me go
174   Shut up and let me go (2008)
111   That's not my name
6   Great dj
5   Hands
4   We walk
2   That's not my name (sfr)
267   Europe 2 ElectroShock
218   Europe 2 Classics
188   Virage Radio
88   Ouifm
70   ODS Radio
56   Radio Med
51   Gold Fm
48   RTL2
48   47 FM
45   Mint
37   Toulouse Fm
33   Radio Jeunes Reims
23   Contact Fm
21   NRJ
19   Sun
15   Oxygene Radio
15   Neptune Fm
14   Top Music
9   Horizon
7   RPL
4   Bac Fm
3   FlorFm
3   Radio Nova
2   Cannes radio
2   Radio Cristal
1   Cristal Fm
1   Hit West
693   Shut up and let me go
354   Shut up and let me go (2008)
202   That's not my name
12   Great dj
9   Shut up & let me go
8   We walk
6   Fruit machine
4   Hands
131   Virage Radio
67   Europe 2 ElectroShock
41   Europe 2 Classics
39   Radio Jeunes Reims
37   Sun
35   ODS Radio
31   Ouifm
29   RTL2
21   Alouette
20   Mint
17   NRJ
15   Gold Fm
11   Neptune Fm
10   Contact Fm
8   Hit West
8   Radio Cristal
7   Oxygene Radio
6   Bac Fm
3   Horizon
2   Radio Nova
2   C2L
2   Direct Fm
2   La Radio Plus
1   Europe 2
340   Shut up and let me go
72   Shut up and let me go (2008)
60   That's not my name
21   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
17   Great dj
9   Hands
9   We walk
8   Fruit machine
6   Standing in the way of control
3   Shut up & let me go
117   Trent Mix
107   Virage Radio
24   ODS Radio
23   Radio Jeunes Reims
22   La Radio Plus
20   Sun
18   Brume (Campus Lyon)
15   Mint
14   Alouette
10   Divergence Fm
9   Bac Fm
9   Neptune Fm
8   Oxygene Radio
8   RTL2
6   Radio Espace
5   Radio Lovely
5   RTV
5   Hit West
4   Balistiq
2   Radio Cristal
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Activ' Radio
251   Shut up and let me go
21   We walk
18   Soul killing
17   Great dj
16   That's not my name
14   Keep your head
10   Do it again
10   Hit me down sonny
9   Failure
9   Only love
9   Wrong club
8   Green poison
7   Communication
7   Super critical
6   Daughter
5   Be the one
5   Hands
4   Wabi sabi
4   Standing in the way of control
1   Hang it up
1   Fruit machine
1   Traffic light
436   Trent Mix
129   Virage Radio
56   Sun
47   RTL2
39   Brume (Campus Lyon)
35   ODS Radio
28   Radio Jeunes Reims
27   Oxygene Radio
22   Divergence Fm
21   Alouette
20   Mint
17   Bac Fm
16   La Radio Plus
14   RTV
13   Neptune Fm
13   Radio Lovely
11   Balistiq
11   Radio Espace
10   Radio Campus Amiens
5   Hit West
5   Mona Fm
3   Activ' Radio
2   FIP
413   Shut up and let me go
55   Great dj
49   We walk
49   Soul killing
37   Hit me down sonny
36   Wabi sabi
35   Wrong club
34   Do it again
30   Super critical
28   Daughter
28   Keep your head
28   That's not my name
26   Communication
26   Only love
23   Green poison
21   Failure
18   Be the one
12   Hands
12   Standing in the way of control
10   Hang it up
6   Traffic light
2   Fruit machine
2   Shut up and let me go 02 min 00 (jd)
681   Trent Mix
152   Europe 2 Classics
129   RTL2
121   Ouifm
112   Top Music
82   Virage Radio
57   Radio Jeunes Reims
48   Alouette
44   Brume (Campus Lyon)
37   Sun
35   Bac Fm
34   ODS Radio
33   Neptune Fm
25   Oxygene Radio
21   Radio Espace
19   Radio Lovely
16   La Radio Plus
16   Evryone
13   RTV
9   Hit West
8   Balistiq
5   R-Dwa
4   RDB
4   FlorFm
4   Spoon
3   Activ' Radio
1   RVVS
1   Sing Sing
688   Shut up and let me go
152   Shut up and let me go (2008)
110   That's not my name
77   We walk
75   Great dj
71   Soul killing
62   Green poison
55   Only love
50   Do it again
50   Wabi sabi
49   Wrong club
48   Communication
46   Super critical
44   Daughter
41   Hit me down sonny
30   Failure
22   Be the one
22   Keep your head
10   Hands
5   Shut up and...
5   We started nothing
1   That s not my name(trans07)
1   That's not my...
420   Trent Mix
299   Ouifm
196   Europe 2 Classics
126   Virage Radio
79   Top Music
76   Alouette
74   Bac Fm
59   ODS Radio
36   Evryone
27   Radio Espace
26   RTL2
24   Neptune Fm
23   Oxygene Radio
22   La Radio Plus
18   Toulouse Fm
17   Radio Lovely
12   Demoiselle Fm
10   Balistiq
9   Hit West
9   Divergence Fm
9   Le mouv'
8   Sun
6   RDB
6   Spoon
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Radio Oloron
4   Activ' Radio
4   RTV
3   R-Dwa
3   Gold Fm
3   Sing Sing
2   Radio Campus Tours
1   Jura trance
1   RVVS
922   Shut up and let me go
203   That's not my name
93   Great dj
86   We walk
70   Hit me down sonny
60   Soul killing
25   Shut up and let me go (2008)
19   Hands
18   Wrong club
14   Do it again
13   Only love
13   Failure
12   Communication
12   Super critical
12   Daughter
11   Wabi sabi
10   Green poison
6   Shut up and...
3   That s not my name(trans07)
2   We started nothing
2   Great dj (calvin harris remix)
1   Hang it up
1   Fruit machine
1   That's not my...
351   Trent Mix
183   Europe 2 Classics
177   Virage Radio
93   RVVS
81   Le mouv'
65   Evryone
56   Ouifm
47   Alouette
28   ODS Radio
28   Radio Cristal
23   Neptune Fm
19   RTV
17   Demoiselle Fm
17   FlorFm
15   Balistiq
13   Toulouse Fm
12   TF1
12   Direct Fm
10   M6
9   Gold Fm
8   NRJ
8   MTV Pulse
7   MCM Pop
7   Oxygene Radio
6   Sun
6   Hit West
6   Activ' Radio
5   W9
4   Fréquence Luz
4   Hag Fm
3   MTV Idol
3   NRJ12
3   Radio Lovely
3   RDB
2   FGL
2   France 2
2   Radio MTI
2   Radio Monaco
2   Sing Sing
1   Europe 2
1   R-Dwa
1   M6 Hits
1   Happy Fm
1   Radio Oloron
1   Hit radio
553   Shut up and let me go
238   Wrong club
154   We walk
113   Soul killing
92   Great Dj
51   That's Not My Name
50   Hands
28   Shut Up And Let Me Go.
6   Shut up and...
2   That s not my name(trans07)
1   Shut Up And Let Me
1   That's not my name (Radio Edit)
1   Fruit machine
1   Be the one
1   Sun
1   Shut Up And Let Me Go

Par mois

moisnb diffusionsnb radiosradiosnb chansonschansons
01 2024128
3   Totem
2   Contact Fm
2   Radio Contact
1   ARL
1   Ouifm
1   ODS Radio
1   Virage Radio
1   Océane Fm
11   Shut up and let me go
1   That's not my name
12 2023105
3   Bac Fm
2   Ouifm
2   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
2   Virage Radio
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
6   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
11 202344
1   Océane Fm
1   Radio Nova
1   Virage Radio
1   ARL
4   Shut up and let me go
10 20232510
7   Virage Radio
7   Ouifm
3   ARL
2   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Radio Nova
1   Totem
1   ODS Radio
1   Top Music
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
19   Shut up and let me go
6   That's not my name
09 202332
2   Virage Radio
1   Bac Fm
2   Shut up and let me go
1   That's not my name
08 202386
3   Radio MTI
1   Activ' Radio
1   Ouifm
1   Virage Radio
1   ODS Radio
1   RMB
6   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
07 20233013
5   Ouifm
4   Virage Radio
4   ODS Radio
3   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   Bac Fm
2   Radio MTI
2   Radio 8
2   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
2   ARL
1   Radio Star Est
1   Top Music
1   Océane Fm
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
22   Shut up and let me go
8   That's not my name
06 20233212
7   Ouifm
6   ODS Radio
4   Virage Radio
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Bac Fm
2   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Top Music
1   Océane Fm
1   47 FM
1   RMB
1   Radio Star Est
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
20   Shut up and let me go
12   That's not my name
05 20231911
4   ODS Radio
2   ARL
2   Bac Fm
2   Ouifm
2   RTL2
2   Virage Radio
1   Océane Fm
1   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Direct Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
15   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
04 2023126
3   Toulouse Fm
3   Cannes radio
2   ARL
2   Virage Radio
1   Top Music
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
10   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
03 20233415
6   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Totem
3   Top Music
3   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
3   Virage Radio
3   ODS Radio
2   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Bac Fm
2   Ouifm
2   Cannes radio
1   ARL
1   47 FM
1   Radio Star Est
1   Radio 8
1   Activ' Radio
30   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
02 20233818
5   Virage Radio
4   ODS Radio
4   RTL2
3   Top Music
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Ouifm
2   Radio 8
2   RMB
1   Activ' Radio
1   Cannes radio
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Bac Fm
1   Mint
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Totem
1   47 FM
30   Shut up and let me go
7   That's not my name
1   Great dj
01 202373
3   Cannes radio
3   Ouifm
1   Toulouse Fm
5   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
12 2022105
6   Ouifm
1   Top Music
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   47 FM
6   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
11 202253
2   Ouifm
2   Cannes radio
1   Top Music
3   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
10 2022147
6   Ouifm
2   Cannes radio
2   Radio 8
1   Top Music
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   RMB
1   47 FM
10   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
09 2022176
5   Top Music
5   Cannes radio
2   Radio 8
2   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Ouifm
1   47 FM
15   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
08 2022246
7   Cannes radio
6   Top Music
4   47 FM
3   Radio Mont-Blanc
3   Ouifm
1   Radio 8
21   Shut up and let me go
3   That's not my name
07 2022188
4   Radio Mont-Blanc
4   Cannes radio
3   Direct Fm
2   Top Music
2   Radio 8
1   47 FM
1   Bac Fm
1   Ouifm
14   Shut up and let me go
4   That's not my name
06 2022127
4   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Cannes radio
2   Direct Fm
1   Toulouse Fm
1   47 FM
1   Bac Fm
1   Ouifm
11   Shut up and let me go
1   That's not my name
05 20222511
7   Radio Mont-Blanc
5   Radio 8
3   Cannes radio
3   47 FM
1   Ouifm
1   RMB
1   Direct Fm
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Sun
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Mint
22   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
1   Standing in the way of control
04 2022249
6   Europe 2 ElectroShock
5   Europe 2 Classics
3   Radio 8
2   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   47 FM
2   Cannes radio
2   Mint
1   Contact Fm
1   Direct Fm
13   Shut up and let me go
7   Shut up and let me go (2008)
4   That's not my name
03 20226412
20   Europe 2 Classics
17   Europe 2 ElectroShock
6   Cannes radio
5   Radio Mont-Blanc
3   Radio 8
3   Mint
3   Direct Fm
2   Bac Fm
2   47 FM
1   Contact Fm
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
26   Shut up and let me go
25   Shut up and let me go (2008)
13   That's not my name
02 20222210
5   Europe 2 ElectroShock
4   Cannes radio
4   Europe 2 Classics
3   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Contact Fm
1   Mint
1   Radio 8
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio Cristal
1   47 FM
13   Shut up and let me go
7   Shut up and let me go (2008)
2   That's not my name
01 2022129
2   Bac Fm
2   Europe 2 ElectroShock
2   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Cannes radio
1   Europe 2 Classics
1   47 FM
1   Direct Fm
1   RMB
1   Sun
7   Shut up and let me go
2   Shut up and let me go (2008)
2   That's not my name
1   Great dj
12 202175
3   Cannes radio
1   Mint
1   Radio Med
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   47 FM
7   Shut up and let me go
11 2021106
3   Radio Med
2   Sun
2   Direct Fm
1   RMB
1   47 FM
1   Bac Fm
8   Shut up and let me go
1   Hands
1   That's not my name
10 202195
5   Radio Med
1   Europe 2
1   Ouifm
1   Europe 2 Classics
1   Bac Fm
7   Shut up and let me go
1   Shut up and let me go (2008)
1   That's not my name
09 2021127
3   Europe 2 Classics
3   Europe 2 ElectroShock
2   Radio Med
1   Ouifm
1   Direct Fm
1   Bac Fm
1   Sun
5   Shut up and let me go (2008)
4   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
1   Hands
08 2021126
3   Europe 2 Classics
3   Ouifm
2   Europe 2 ElectroShock
2   Neptune Fm
1   Europe 2
1   Radio Med
6   Shut up and let me go
3   Shut up and let me go (2008)
3   That's not my name
07 20213311
10   Radio Med
4   Europe 2 ElectroShock
4   Ouifm
3   Bac Fm
3   Sun
3   Direct Fm
2   Europe 2 Classics
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Virage Radio
1   ODS Radio
22   Shut up and let me go
6   That's not my name
3   Shut up and let me go (2008)
1   Hands
1   Great dj
06 202110117
22   Europe 2 ElectroShock
20   Europe 2 Classics
8   Radio Med
7   Virage Radio
7   Direct Fm
6   Bac Fm
5   ODS Radio
5   Ouifm
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Sun
3   47 FM
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
2   Neptune Fm
2   Mint
2   Cannes radio
1   Top Music
1   Europe 2
45   Shut up and let me go
32   Shut up and let me go (2008)
19   That's not my name
2   That's not my name (sfr)
1   We walk
1   Hands
1   Great dj
05 20215914
14   Europe 2 Classics
11   Europe 2 ElectroShock
4   Direct Fm
4   ODS Radio
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Bac Fm
3   Cannes radio
3   Radio Med
3   47 FM
3   Ouifm
3   Virage Radio
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Mint
1   Toulouse Fm
30   Shut up and let me go
20   Shut up and let me go (2008)
9   That's not my name
04 20219618
22   Europe 2 ElectroShock
19   Europe 2 Classics
10   Radio Med
6   Ouifm
5   Virage Radio
4   Bac Fm
4   Sun
4   47 FM
4   ODS Radio
4   RTL2
3   Cannes radio
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
2   Neptune Fm
2   Direct Fm
1   Mint
1   Contact Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Toulouse Fm
47   Shut up and let me go
31   Shut up and let me go (2008)
15   That's not my name
2   Great dj
1   Hands
03 20216715
17   Europe 2 ElectroShock
9   Virage Radio
9   Europe 2 Classics
6   ODS Radio
6   Direct Fm
4   47 FM
3   Mint
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Radio Med
2   Neptune Fm
2   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
2   Sun
1   Europe 2
1   Top Music
1   Cannes radio
36   Shut up and let me go
16   Shut up and let me go (2008)
13   That's not my name
1   Great dj
1   We walk
02 202111415
35   Europe 2 ElectroShock
22   Europe 2 Classics
10   Radio Med
7   Virage Radio
7   Ouifm
6   47 FM
5   ODS Radio
5   Mint
5   Cannes radio
4   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Contact Fm
1   Europe 2
1   Neptune Fm
1   Toulouse Fm
44   Shut up and let me go
40   Shut up and let me go (2008)
28   That's not my name
1   Great dj
1   We walk
01 20216413
15   Europe 2 ElectroShock
14   Europe 2 Classics
8   Virage Radio
7   Ouifm
4   ODS Radio
4   Radio Med
3   Grand Grenoble (Alpes 1)
3   Cannes radio
2   47 FM
1   RPL
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Mint
1   Neptune Fm
26   Shut up and let me go
23   Shut up and let me go (2008)
14   That's not my name
1   We walk
12 20207913
18   Europe 2 ElectroShock
14   Europe 2 Classics
10   Virage Radio
8   Ouifm
6   ODS Radio
6   Radio Med
5   47 FM
3   Mint
3   Toulouse Fm
2   Cannes radio
2   Neptune Fm
1   RPL
1   FlorFm
38   Shut up and let me go
24   Shut up and let me go (2008)
17   That's not my name
11 20204310
13   Virage Radio
9   Ouifm
5   ODS Radio
3   Mint
3   47 FM
3   Radio Med
2   Contact Fm
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   RPL
29   Shut up and let me go
13   That's not my name
1   We walk
10 202010312
24   Virage Radio
16   Ouifm
10   Europe 2 Classics
10   Europe 2 ElectroShock
9   Radio Med
8   47 FM
6   Mint
6   ODS Radio
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Toulouse Fm
3   Neptune Fm
3   Contact Fm
60   Shut up and let me go
26   That's not my name
16   Shut up and let me go (2008)
1   Great dj
09 202012617
33   Europe 2 ElectroShock
32   Europe 2 Classics
20   Virage Radio
7   ODS Radio
5   Ouifm
5   47 FM
5   Radio Med
3   Neptune Fm
3   Toulouse Fm
3   RTL2
2   NRJ
2   Mint
2   Contact Fm
1   RPL
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   FlorFm
1   Top Music
51   Shut up and let me go
49   Shut up and let me go (2008)
26   That's not my name
08 202017518
37   Europe 2 Classics
28   Europe 2 ElectroShock
13   NRJ
13   Top Music
11   Ouifm
10   Virage Radio
10   RTL2
8   Gold Fm
7   Mint
7   ODS Radio
6   Radio Med
6   Sun
5   47 FM
5   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Toulouse Fm
2   Contact Fm
2   Neptune Fm
1   Bac Fm
100   Shut up and let me go
51   Shut up and let me go (2008)
18   That's not my name
2   Great dj
2   Fruit machine
1   We walk
1   Hands
07 202013314
29   Europe 2 Classics
28   Europe 2 ElectroShock
21   Virage Radio
8   Gold Fm
7   ODS Radio
6   RTL2
6   NRJ
6   Radio Med
6   Ouifm
5   Mint
4   Oxygene Radio
3   Toulouse Fm
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   FlorFm
73   Shut up and let me go
43   Shut up and let me go (2008)
16   That's not my name
1   Great dj
06 202011517
27   Europe 2 ElectroShock
19   Europe 2 Classics
16   Virage Radio
8   RTL2
7   Gold Fm
6   ODS Radio
5   Radio Med
5   Ouifm
5   Mint
3   Toulouse Fm
3   47 FM
3   Sun
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Oxygene Radio
1   Contact Fm
1   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
63   Shut up and let me go
33   Shut up and let me go (2008)
15   That's not my name
2   Great dj
1   Hands
1   Fruit machine
05 202015819
35   Europe 2 ElectroShock
24   Europe 2 Classics
22   Virage Radio
12   Ouifm
9   Gold Fm
8   Radio Med
7   ODS Radio
6   RTL2
6   Mint
6   Toulouse Fm
5   47 FM
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   RPL
3   Sun
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Contact Fm
2   Neptune Fm
1   Horizon
1   Bac Fm
89   Shut up and let me go
42   Shut up and let me go (2008)
21   That's not my name
2   We walk
1   Shut up & let me go
1   Fruit machine
1   Great dj
1   Hands
04 202011317
28   Europe 2 ElectroShock
14   Virage Radio
13   Europe 2 Classics
8   RTL2
7   Ouifm
7   ODS Radio
5   Gold Fm
5   Toulouse Fm
4   Mint
4   Radio Med
4   Contact Fm
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   47 FM
3   Horizon
2   Sun
2   Oxygene Radio
1   Neptune Fm
63   Shut up and let me go
25   Shut up and let me go (2008)
18   That's not my name
3   Shut up & let me go
2   Great dj
1   Fruit machine
1   We walk
03 20208416
20   Europe 2 ElectroShock
14   Virage Radio
14   Europe 2 Classics
6   Gold Fm
4   ODS Radio
4   Ouifm
4   Radio Med
3   RTL2
3   47 FM
2   Mint
2   Contact Fm
2   Horizon
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Toulouse Fm
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Sun
46   Shut up and let me go
24   Shut up and let me go (2008)
11   That's not my name
2   Shut up & let me go
1   We walk
02 20207718
18   Europe 2 ElectroShock
13   Europe 2 Classics
11   Virage Radio
5   Ouifm
4   Sun
4   Gold Fm
3   47 FM
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   ODS Radio
3   Contact Fm
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Mint
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Hit West
1   Radio Cristal
1   RPL
1   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
39   Shut up and let me go
23   Shut up and let me go (2008)
9   That's not my name
3   Great dj
1   We walk
1   Hands
1   Fruit machine
01 20208113
22   Europe 2 ElectroShock
13   Virage Radio
13   Europe 2 Classics
5   47 FM
5   ODS Radio
4   Gold Fm
4   RTL2
3   Oxygene Radio
3   Radio Nova
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Horizon
2   Contact Fm
1   Radio Cristal
41   Shut up and let me go
24   Shut up and let me go (2008)
12   That's not my name
3   Shut up & let me go
1   We walk
12 20196713
23   Europe 2 ElectroShock
16   Europe 2 Classics
7   Virage Radio
3   Sun
3   Mint
3   Gold Fm
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Neptune Fm
2   ODS Radio
2   RTL2
1   Radio Nova
1   Contact Fm
1   Bac Fm
27   Shut up and let me go (2008)
22   Shut up and let me go
13   That's not my name
2   Great dj
1   We walk
1   Fruit machine
1   Hands
11 20191710
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Horizon
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Gold Fm
1   Radio Cristal
1   Radio Nova
1   Neptune Fm
1   Mint
1   Bac Fm
1   Contact Fm
9   Shut up and let me go
3   Shut up & let me go
2   We walk
2   That's not my name
1   Great dj
10 20194312
15   Europe 2 ElectroShock
7   Europe 2 Classics
5   Virage Radio
3   Contact Fm
3   Sun
2   Gold Fm
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   ODS Radio
1   RTL2
1   NRJ
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Alouette
16   Shut up and let me go
13   Shut up and let me go (2008)
9   That's not my name
3   Great dj
1   Fruit machine
1   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
09 20193713
7   Europe 2 ElectroShock
5   Contact Fm
4   RTL2
4   Sun
4   Virage Radio
3   Europe 2 Classics
3   NRJ
2   Mint
1   Gold Fm
1   ODS Radio
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Alouette
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
21   Shut up and let me go
7   Shut up and let me go (2008)
4   That's not my name
2   Hands
1   Fruit machine
1   We walk
1   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
08 20196014
10   Europe 2 ElectroShock
9   Virage Radio
9   RTL2
7   ODS Radio
6   Europe 2 Classics
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Gold Fm
3   Sun
3   Hit West
2   NRJ
1   Mint
1   Radio Cristal
1   Alouette
1   Ouifm
39   Shut up and let me go
11   Shut up and let me go (2008)
6   That's not my name
1   Fruit machine
1   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
1   Standing in the way of control
1   We walk
07 20199016
15   Virage Radio
12   Europe 2 ElectroShock
10   RTL2
9   Europe 2 Classics
6   Radio Cristal
6   Sun
6   NRJ
5   Hit West
4   Gold Fm
4   ODS Radio
3   Ouifm
3   Oxygene Radio
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Alouette
1   Mint
1   Neptune Fm
57   Shut up and let me go
14   Shut up and let me go (2008)
9   That's not my name
4   Great dj
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
1   Hands
1   Fruit machine
06 20194811
11   Virage Radio
9   Ouifm
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
6   Sun
5   Alouette
3   ODS Radio
2   RTL2
2   Mint
2   NRJ
1   Neptune Fm
1   Bac Fm
32   Shut up and let me go
5   That's not my name
5   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
2   We walk
2   Great dj
1   Standing in the way of control
1   Fruit machine
05 2019347
15   Virage Radio
5   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Ouifm
3   Sun
2   ODS Radio
2   Mint
2   Alouette
25   Shut up and let me go
3   That's not my name
2   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
2   Great dj
1   Standing in the way of control
1   Hands
04 20193510
16   Virage Radio
5   Ouifm
3   Alouette
3   Mint
2   NRJ
2   ODS Radio
1   Sun
1   Europe 2
1   Neptune Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
30   Shut up and let me go
3   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
1   That's not my name
1   Hands
03 20193911
16   Virage Radio
6   ODS Radio
4   Ouifm
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Alouette
2   Sun
2   Direct Fm
1   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   NRJ
1   Mint
31   Shut up and let me go
2   That's not my name
2   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
2   Great dj
1   We walk
1   Hands
02 2019389
15   Virage Radio
5   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Ouifm
3   ODS Radio
3   Alouette
3   Sun
2   Bac Fm
2   C2L
1   La Radio Plus
25   Shut up and let me go
5   That's not my name
3   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
1   Standing in the way of control
1   We walk
1   Hands
1   Fruit machine
1   Great dj
01 2019379
18   Virage Radio
4   Neptune Fm
4   Mint
3   ODS Radio
3   Sun
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Alouette
1   RTL2
1   La Radio Plus
33   Shut up and let me go
1   That's not my name
1   Shut up and let me go (haji & emanuel remix)
1   Hands
1   Fruit machine
12 2018168
7   Virage Radio
2   La Radio Plus
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Mint
1   Neptune Fm
1   Divergence Fm
1   Radio Espace
1   ODS Radio
13   Shut up and let me go
1   Great dj
1   We walk
1   That's not my name
11 2018116
3   Mint
3   Virage Radio
2   Neptune Fm
1   Brume (Campus Lyon)
1   ODS Radio
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
9   Shut up and let me go
1   Keep your head
1   That's not my name
10 20185610
23   Virage Radio
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
6   La Radio Plus
5   ODS Radio
4   Divergence Fm
4   Mint
3   Brume (Campus Lyon)
1   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   Hit West
44   Shut up and let me go
5   That's not my name
2   We walk
2   Be the one
2   Great dj
1   Keep your head
08 201896
3   Virage Radio
2   ODS Radio
1   Alouette
1   La Radio Plus
1   Radio Espace
1   Divergence Fm
8   Shut up and let me go
1   Great dj
07 201853
3   Virage Radio
1   Alouette
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Shut up and let me go
1   We walk
06 20183010
12   Virage Radio
5   Trent Mix
3   Alouette
2   La Radio Plus
2   Mint
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   ODS Radio
1   Radio Cristal
1   Sun
1   RTL2
25   Shut up and let me go
1   Wabi sabi
1   Super critical
1   Hit me down sonny
1   We walk
1   Do it again
05 201844
1   Radio Espace
1   ODS Radio
1   Trent Mix
1   Virage Radio
3   Shut up and let me go
1   Green poison
03 20185515
16   Virage Radio
7   Trent Mix
7   RTL2
4   Sun
3   Alouette
3   La Radio Plus
3   ODS Radio
3   Brume (Campus Lyon)
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Bac Fm
1   RTV
1   Neptune Fm
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Cristal
1   Hit West
38   Shut up and let me go
3   Hands
2   That's not my name
2   Keep your head
2   Super critical
2   Only love
1   We walk
1   Wrong club
1   Standing in the way of control
1   Hit me down sonny
1   Soul killing
1   Be the one
02 201811118
40   Trent Mix
18   Virage Radio
7   Brume (Campus Lyon)
6   Alouette
5   ODS Radio
4   Oxygene Radio
4   La Radio Plus
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   RTV
3   Sun
3   Bac Fm
3   Mint
3   Neptune Fm
2   Balistiq
2   Divergence Fm
2   Hit West
1   Radio Lovely
1   Radio Espace
56   Shut up and let me go
10   We walk
7   Soul killing
6   Keep your head
5   Great dj
5   Communication
3   Wrong club
3   Failure
3   Hit me down sonny
3   That's not my name
2   Do it again
2   Green poison
2   Be the one
1   Only love
1   Daughter
1   Wabi sabi
1   Super critical
01 201813619
64   Trent Mix
21   Virage Radio
12   Sun
5   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   ODS Radio
4   Radio Lovely
4   Brume (Campus Lyon)
4   La Radio Plus
3   Bac Fm
2   Mint
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Divergence Fm
2   Radio Espace
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Balistiq
1   RTV
1   Hit West
1   Neptune Fm
1   Activ' Radio
51   Shut up and let me go
10   Soul killing
8   Great dj
7   Do it again
6   Failure
6   Only love
5   We walk
5   Wrong club
5   Green poison
5   Hit me down sonny
5   Daughter
4   That's not my name
4   Keep your head
3   Standing in the way of control
3   Super critical
2   Communication
2   Wabi sabi
2   Hands
1   Hang it up
1   Fruit machine
1   Traffic light
12 201712517
69   Trent Mix
11   Virage Radio
8   Sun
5   Brume (Campus Lyon)
4   RTV
4   Mint
3   La Radio Plus
3   Divergence Fm
3   Neptune Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Bac Fm
2   Balistiq
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Radio Lovely
2   Radio Espace
2   Oxygene Radio
1   Activ' Radio
44   Shut up and let me go
8   Do it again
6   Communication
6   Failure
6   Great dj
6   Wabi sabi
5   Only love
5   We walk
5   Green poison
5   Soul killing
5   Wrong club
4   Keep your head
4   Super critical
4   Daughter
3   That's not my name
3   Be the one
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Hang it up
1   Hit me down sonny
1   Hands
11 201712117
55   Trent Mix
20   Virage Radio
8   Sun
7   ODS Radio
5   Brume (Campus Lyon)
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   La Radio Plus
3   Divergence Fm
3   RTV
2   Mint
2   Neptune Fm
2   Bac Fm
2   Oxygene Radio
1   Balistiq
1   Hit West
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Radio Espace
52   Shut up and let me go
7   Wrong club
7   Great dj
6   We walk
5   Daughter
5   Hit me down sonny
4   Do it again
4   Soul killing
4   Green poison
4   Super critical
3   That's not my name
3   Wabi sabi
3   Only love
3   Be the one
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Communication
2   Failure
2   Keep your head
1   Traffic light
1   Hang it up
1   Hands
10 201713019
50   Trent Mix
24   Virage Radio
8   ODS Radio
6   RTL2
6   Sun
5   Oxygene Radio
5   Brume (Campus Lyon)
4   La Radio Plus
4   Alouette
3   RTV
3   Radio Lovely
2   Radio Espace
2   Neptune Fm
2   Mint
2   Balistiq
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Bac Fm
1   Divergence Fm
1   Activ' Radio
66   Shut up and let me go
11   Wabi sabi
9   Hit me down sonny
5   We walk
5   Great dj
4   Do it again
4   Soul killing
3   Failure
3   Super critical
3   Wrong club
3   Be the one
2   Green poison
2   Communication
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Keep your head
2   Daughter
1   That's not my name
1   Only love
1   Hands
1   Hang it up
09 201711820
51   Trent Mix
10   Virage Radio
8   Sun
7   Brume (Campus Lyon)
7   RTL2
6   Alouette
4   Divergence Fm
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Bac Fm
3   Radio Lovely
2   Balistiq
2   Hit West
2   Mint
2   ODS Radio
2   Oxygene Radio
1   FIP
1   Radio Espace
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   La Radio Plus
1   RTV
44   Shut up and let me go
7   Great dj
6   Keep your head
6   Soul killing
5   Hit me down sonny
5   That's not my name
5   Super critical
4   Communication
4   Only love
4   We walk
4   Do it again
3   Wrong club
3   Failure
3   Hands
2   Shut up and let me go 02 min 00 (jd)
2   Be the one
2   Wabi sabi
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Green poison
2   Daughter
1   Fruit machine
1   Hang it up
1   Traffic light
08 20177215
27   Trent Mix
8   Sun
5   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   Oxygene Radio
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   RTL2
4   Alouette
3   Bac Fm
3   Divergence Fm
2   ODS Radio
2   Virage Radio
2   Mint
1   RTV
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Radio Lovely
25   Shut up and let me go
8   Soul killing
6   That's not my name
4   Wabi sabi
4   Keep your head
3   Hands
3   Daughter
2   We walk
2   Super critical
2   Be the one
2   Traffic light
2   Do it again
2   Green poison
2   Wrong club
2   Great dj
1   Hang it up
1   Failure
1   Communication
07 201717421
88   Trent Mix
22   Virage Radio
8   RTL2
8   Sun
6   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   ODS Radio
5   Oxygene Radio
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Mint
3   Radio Lovely
3   Bac Fm
3   Radio Espace
3   Neptune Fm
2   Balistiq
2   Alouette
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Divergence Fm
1   Mona Fm
1   Activ' Radio
1   La Radio Plus
1   FIP
65   Shut up and let me go
15   Great dj
11   We walk
11   Wrong club
9   Only love
8   Hit me down sonny
8   Soul killing
6   Green poison
6   Super critical
5   That's not my name
5   Daughter
4   Communication
4   Keep your head
4   Failure
3   Be the one
3   Do it again
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Hang it up
1   Wabi sabi
1   Traffic light
1   Hands
06 201714420
52   Trent Mix
24   Virage Radio
13   RTL2
7   Sun
6   ODS Radio
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
6   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   Divergence Fm
5   Oxygene Radio
4   Alouette
3   Mint
2   Bac Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Neptune Fm
2   Mona Fm
1   La Radio Plus
1   Balistiq
1   RTV
1   Hit West
1   Radio Lovely
71   Shut up and let me go
7   Great dj
7   Hit me down sonny
7   Soul killing
7   Wabi sabi
6   We walk
6   Keep your head
6   Do it again
5   Daughter
3   Super critical
3   Wrong club
3   That's not my name
2   Hang it up
2   Standing in the way of control
2   Be the one
2   Only love
2   Communication
1   Hands
1   Traffic light
1   Fruit machine
05 20179618
44   Trent Mix
16   Virage Radio
9   RTL2
5   ODS Radio
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Sun
2   La Radio Plus
2   Mona Fm
2   Radio Espace
1   Neptune Fm
1   Balistiq
1   Bac Fm
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Mint
1   Hit West
1   Divergence Fm
1   Alouette
1   RTV
46   Shut up and let me go
10   We walk
7   Soul killing
6   Great dj
5   Communication
3   Super critical
3   Do it again
2   Green poison
2   Daughter
2   Hit me down sonny
2   Only love
2   Failure
2   Wabi sabi
2   That's not my name
1   Hands
1   Wrong club
09 20166815
26   Trent Mix
6   Top Music
6   Europe 2 Classics
5   RTL2
5   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   Ouifm
3   Alouette
2   Radio Lovely
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Sun
2   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   RTV
1   FlorFm
1   Balistiq
25   Shut up and let me go
7   That's not my name
6   Shut up and let me go (2008)
5   Keep your head
4   We walk
3   Hit me down sonny
3   Only love
2   Wabi sabi
2   Communication
2   Green poison
2   Great dj
1   Wrong club
1   Failure
1   Hands
1   Do it again
1   Daughter
1   Soul killing
1   Super critical
08 201616414
86   Trent Mix
19   Ouifm
10   RTL2
9   Top Music
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
7   Brume (Campus Lyon)
6   Alouette
5   Radio Lovely
4   Neptune Fm
4   Sun
2   RTV
2   Bac Fm
1   FlorFm
1   Oxygene Radio
49   Shut up and let me go
16   That's not my name
12   We walk
10   Soul killing
10   Only love
9   Green poison
9   Wabi sabi
7   Daughter
6   Great dj
5   Communication
5   Hit me down sonny
5   Failure
5   Be the one
4   Wrong club
4   Do it again
4   Super critical
2   Keep your head
2   Hands
07 20169716
46   Trent Mix
11   RTL2
9   Ouifm
7   Top Music
4   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Sun
3   Neptune Fm
2   Bac Fm
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Alouette
2   Radio Lovely
2   Brume (Campus Lyon)
1   RVVS
1   Balistiq
1   Activ' Radio
1   FlorFm
40   Shut up and let me go
10   That's not my name
8   Soul killing
7   Great dj
5   Daughter
5   Hit me down sonny
3   Super critical
3   Green poison
3   Wrong club
3   Wabi sabi
3   Communication
2   We walk
2   Be the one
1   Failure
1   Only love
1   Do it again
06 201620717
104   Trent Mix
21   Top Music
19   RTL2
9   Europe 2 Classics
9   Ouifm
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
7   Alouette
6   Sun
6   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   Bac Fm
4   Oxygene Radio
3   R-Dwa
2   Neptune Fm
1   Hit West
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Lovely
1   RTV
74   Shut up and let me go
13   Great dj
12   Do it again
12   Wrong club
11   Only love
10   Soul killing
9   Shut up and let me go (2008)
9   Communication
8   That's not my name
8   Green poison
8   Hit me down sonny
6   Wabi sabi
6   Be the one
5   Daughter
5   Super critical
5   We walk
3   We started nothing
1   Shut up and...
1   Hands
1   Failure
05 201620523
79   Trent Mix
27   Europe 2 Classics
17   RTL2
13   Top Music
13   Virage Radio
9   Ouifm
9   Alouette
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   ODS Radio
4   Bac Fm
4   Brume (Campus Lyon)
4   Sun
3   Oxygene Radio
2   RDB
2   Hit West
1   Radio Lovely
1   Neptune Fm
1   RTV
1   Spoon
1   Radio Espace
1   La Radio Plus
1   R-Dwa
1   Activ' Radio
80   Shut up and let me go
27   Shut up and let me go (2008)
14   That's not my name
10   We walk
9   Great dj
8   Do it again
7   Wabi sabi
7   Only love
6   Daughter
5   Super critical
5   Soul killing
5   Wrong club
4   Hit me down sonny
4   Failure
4   Communication
4   Green poison
3   Keep your head
1   Hands
1   We started nothing
1   Be the one
04 201626721
95   Trent Mix
28   Europe 2 Classics
23   RTL2
19   Top Music
19   Ouifm
18   Virage Radio
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
8   ODS Radio
7   Brume (Campus Lyon)
6   Bac Fm
6   Radio Espace
6   Alouette
5   Neptune Fm
3   Radio Lovely
3   Oxygene Radio
3   La Radio Plus
3   Sun
2   Spoon
2   Hit West
2   RTV
1   Balistiq
124   Shut up and let me go
28   Shut up and let me go (2008)
15   That's not my name
14   Green poison
10   Soul killing
9   Wrong club
8   Great dj
8   Super critical
7   We walk
6   Do it again
6   Communication
5   Only love
5   Keep your head
5   Wabi sabi
5   Failure
4   Hit me down sonny
4   Daughter
2   Be the one
1   That's not my...
1   Shut up and...
03 201623822
77   Trent Mix
26   Europe 2 Classics
22   RTL2
18   Virage Radio
17   Ouifm
14   Top Music
7   ODS Radio
7   Brume (Campus Lyon)
7   Radio Espace
7   La Radio Plus
6   Alouette
6   Neptune Fm
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
4   Bac Fm
3   Sun
3   Oxygene Radio
2   Balistiq
2   RDB
1   Radio Lovely
1   Hit West
1   RTV
1   FlorFm
112   Shut up and let me go
26   Shut up and let me go (2008)
12   We walk
11   Soul killing
10   That's not my name
8   Only love
7   Communication
7   Daughter
6   Wabi sabi
5   Failure
5   Do it again
5   Green poison
5   Super critical
5   Great dj
4   Be the one
3   Keep your head
3   Hit me down sonny
2   Wrong club
1   Hands
1   Shut up and...
02 201623023
77   Trent Mix
28   Europe 2 Classics
17   Virage Radio
13   RTL2
11   Evryone
11   Ouifm
9   Top Music
8   ODS Radio
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
6   Radio Espace
6   Brume (Campus Lyon)
5   Oxygene Radio
5   Sun
5   La Radio Plus
4   Alouette
4   Neptune Fm
3   Bac Fm
3   RTV
2   Balistiq
2   Hit West
1   Radio Lovely
1   Activ' Radio
1   R-Dwa
92   Shut up and let me go
28   Shut up and let me go (2008)
13   Great dj
12   We walk
12   That's not my name
9   Green poison
8   Super critical
7   Soul killing
7   Wrong club
6   Do it again
6   Hit me down sonny
5   Communication
5   Daughter
4   Failure
4   Wabi sabi
4   Keep your head
3   Only love
2   Be the one
1   Hands
1   We started nothing
1   Shut up and...
01 201623820
91   Trent Mix
28   Europe 2 Classics
23   Ouifm
16   Virage Radio
14   Top Music
9   RTL2
7   Neptune Fm
7   Radio Jeunes Reims
7   Bac Fm
7   Sun
6   ODS Radio
5   Alouette
5   Evryone
4   Oxygene Radio
3   Radio Lovely
2   RTV
1   Radio Espace
1   Hit West
1   Sing Sing
1   Spoon
92   Shut up and let me go
28   Shut up and let me go (2008)
18   That's not my name
13   We walk
12   Great dj
9   Soul killing
8   Wabi sabi
8   Green poison
7   Communication
7   Do it again
7   Super critical
7   Only love
6   Wrong club
4   Daughter
4   Failure
3   Hit me down sonny
3   Hands
1   Shut up and...
1   That s not my name(trans07)
12 201525620
99   Trent Mix
33   Europe 2 Classics
23   Ouifm
19   Virage Radio
11   Top Music
10   RTL2
8   Bac Fm
8   Sun
8   Alouette
6   ODS Radio
6   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Neptune Fm
5   Radio Espace
5   Oxygene Radio
3   RTV
2   La Radio Plus
2   Spoon
1   Sing Sing
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Lovely
107   Shut up and let me go
25   Shut up and let me go (2008)
21   That's not my name
12   Great dj
9   Super critical
9   Hit me down sonny
9   We walk
8   Wrong club
8   Do it again
8   Only love
7   Failure
7   Wabi sabi
7   Daughter
6   Green poison
6   Communication
5   Soul killing
1   That s not my name(trans07)
1   Hands
11 201515314
67   Trent Mix
21   Europe 2 Classics
14   Ouifm
10   Virage Radio
7   RTL2
7   Bac Fm
5   La Radio Plus
5   Alouette
5   ODS Radio
3   Neptune Fm
3   Radio Espace
3   Oxygene Radio
2   Balistiq
1   Radio Lovely
74   Shut up and let me go
14   That's not my name
7   Wrong club
7   Soul killing
6   Hit me down sonny
6   Failure
6   Do it again
5   Daughter
5   Only love
5   Communication
4   Green poison
4   Great dj
4   Wabi sabi
3   We walk
3   Super critical
10 20158511
18   Ouifm
15   Virage Radio
8   La Radio Plus
8   Bac Fm
8   Alouette
7   ODS Radio
7   Radio Espace
7   RTL2
3   Oxygene Radio
3   Spoon
1   Hit West
64   Shut up and let me go
19   That's not my name
2   Great dj
09 201510816
33   Ouifm
17   ODS Radio
13   Virage Radio
9   Bac Fm
8   Radio Espace
7   Trent Mix
6   La Radio Plus
5   Alouette
2   RDB
2   Europe 2 Classics
1   RTL2
1   Radio Lovely
1   RVVS
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Sing Sing
1   Spoon
78   Shut up and let me go
20   That's not my name
2   Hit me down sonny
2   Hands
2   Wrong club
1   That s not my name(trans07)
1   We walk
1   Communication
1   Soul killing
08 20158013
34   Ouifm
9   Virage Radio
9   ODS Radio
7   Alouette
7   Bac Fm
4   Radio Espace
2   Gold Fm
2   Trent Mix
2   Toulouse Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   Europe 2 Classics
1   Radio Campus Tours
1   La Radio Plus
52   Shut up and let me go
22   That's not my name
2   Great dj
1   Soul killing
1   We walk
1   Wrong club
1   Great dj (calvin harris remix)
07 201513618
31   Trent Mix
25   Ouifm
23   Europe 2 Classics
11   Top Music
10   ODS Radio
9   Virage Radio
7   Bac Fm
5   Alouette
3   Oxygene Radio
2   Radio Lovely
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Neptune Fm
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   Activ' Radio
1   RDB
1   RTL2
1   R-Dwa
1   Radio Campus Tours
93   Shut up and let me go
16   That's not my name
8   Great dj
6   Soul killing
6   We walk
5   Hit me down sonny
1   We started nothing
1   Great dj (calvin harris remix)
06 201513618
35   Trent Mix
26   Ouifm
18   Europe 2 Classics
18   Top Music
8   Alouette
8   Bac Fm
4   Demoiselle Fm
3   Neptune Fm
3   Evryone
2   Virage Radio
2   Radio Lovely
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Divergence Fm
1   ODS Radio
1   Radio Oloron
1   Balistiq
1   Sing Sing
1   Oxygene Radio
79   Shut up and let me go
16   That's not my name
12   Great dj
11   We walk
7   Hit me down sonny
5   Soul killing
2   Hands
1   That s not my name(trans07)
05 201523021
52   Trent Mix
40   Ouifm
32   Europe 2 Classics
24   Top Music
17   Virage Radio
15   Evryone
8   Bac Fm
8   Alouette
4   Balistiq
4   Radio Oloron
4   Neptune Fm
4   Toulouse Fm
3   Demoiselle Fm
3   Divergence Fm
3   Hit West
2   Radio Lovely
2   R-Dwa
2   Oxygene Radio
1   ODS Radio
1   Activ' Radio
1   Gold Fm
132   Shut up and let me go
23   That's not my name
17   We walk
16   Great dj
14   Hit me down sonny
14   Soul killing
3   Hands
1   We started nothing
1   Fruit machine
1   That's not my...
1   Shut up and...
04 201515518
45   Trent Mix
34   Ouifm
27   Europe 2 Classics
13   Virage Radio
7   Evryone
5   Top Music
4   Alouette
4   Bac Fm
3   Toulouse Fm
2   Oxygene Radio
2   Divergence Fm
2   Radio Lovely
2   Neptune Fm
1   Balistiq
1   Hit West
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   RDB
1   ODS Radio
94   Shut up and let me go
15   That's not my name
15   We walk
12   Great dj
9   Hit me down sonny
6   Soul killing
1   Hands
1   Shut up and...
03 201512616
37   Trent Mix
27   Ouifm
22   Europe 2 Classics
12   Virage Radio
6   Alouette
4   Radio Lovely
3   Evryone
3   Top Music
3   Bac Fm
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Neptune Fm
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Activ' Radio
1   Hit West
1   RDB
75   Shut up and let me go
13   That's not my name
11   We walk
10   Great dj
8   Hit me down sonny
5   Soul killing
3   Hands
1   Shut up and...
02 201510220
30   Trent Mix
16   Europe 2 Classics
16   Ouifm
7   Evryone
6   Alouette
5   Top Music
3   Virage Radio
2   Neptune Fm
2   Bac Fm
2   Divergence Fm
2   ODS Radio
2   Toulouse Fm
2   Radio Lovely
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   Activ' Radio
1   RTV
1   Balistiq
1   RDB
1   Jura trance
1   Oxygene Radio
50   Shut up and let me go
13   That's not my name
10   We walk
10   Great dj
7   Soul killing
6   Hit me down sonny
3   Hands
1   Hang it up
01 20155613
15   Trent Mix
9   Ouifm
9   Le mouv'
6   Alouette
4   Virage Radio
3   Hit West
3   Bac Fm
2   Top Music
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Europe 2 Classics
1   Evryone
1   Oxygene Radio
1   Demoiselle Fm
24   Shut up and let me go
11   That's Not My Name
5   Great dj
4   Hands
4   Hit me down sonny
3   Shut up and...
3   Soul killing
2   We walk
11 201411
1   Alouette
1   Shut Up and Let Me Go
09 201411
1   RVVS
1   Wrong club
08 201413919
33   RVVS
21   Europe 2 Classics
18   Virage Radio
13   Ouifm
11   Trent Mix
9   Evryone
9   Le mouv'
6   Alouette
4   Neptune Fm
3   Radio Lovely
3   Hit West
2   Oxygene Radio
1   Sing Sing
1   Direct Fm
1   FlorFm
1   RTV
1   RDB
1   Balistiq
1   Radio MTI
44   Shut up and let me go
44   Wrong club
18   That's not my name
11   Great DJ
8   Hands
5   We walk
3   Hit me down sonny
3   Shut up and...
2   Soul killing
1   That s not my name(trans07)
07 201424018
77   Virage Radio
38   Trent Mix
36   RVVS
34   Europe 2 Classics
11   Le mouv'
10   Evryone
6   Alouette
4   Oxygene Radio
3   Neptune Fm
3   Hit West
3   RTV
3   FlorFm
3   Balistiq
2   NRJ
2   Activ' Radio
2   Demoiselle Fm
2   Radio Cristal
1   Direct Fm
105   Wrong club
70   Shut up and let me go
17   We walk
12   Great dj
10   Soul killing
9   Hit me down sonny
7   Hands
6   That's not my name
3   Shut up and...
1   Be the one
06 201429825
86   Trent Mix
69   Virage Radio
50   Europe 2 Classics
23   RVVS
12   Evryone
8   Alouette
6   Ouifm
6   Le mouv'
5   TF1
4   Direct Fm
3   FlorFm
3   NRJ
3   W9
3   Balistiq
3   Demoiselle Fm
2   RTV
2   Radio Cristal
2   M6
2   Neptune Fm
1   RDB
1   Radio MTI
1   R-Dwa
1   Oxygene Radio
1   M6 Hits
1   NRJ12
109   Shut up and let me go
88   Wrong club
32   We walk
26   Soul killing
21   Great dj
10   Hit me down sonny
6   Hands
5   That's not my name
1   Fruit machine
05 201419823
84   Trent Mix
43   Europe 2 Classics
14   Le mouv'
10   Evryone
8   Ouifm
8   Virage Radio
4   Alouette
4   TF1
3   Direct Fm
2   Radio Cristal
2   Demoiselle Fm
2   Neptune Fm
2   W9
2   RTV
2   M6
1   MCM Pop
1   NRJ12
1   Europe 2
1   NRJ
1   FGL
1   Toulouse Fm
1   Balistiq
1   FlorFm
92   Shut up and let me go
36   We walk
29   Soul killing
17   Great dj
10   Hit me down sonny
8   Hands
6   That's not my name
04 201424030
114   Trent Mix
20   Europe 2 Classics
15   Evryone
12   Le mouv'
11   Ouifm
8   MTV Pulse
6   Alouette
5   Virage Radio
5   RTV
4   Neptune Fm
4   FlorFm
4   MCM Pop
3   M6
3   Toulouse Fm
3   Radio Cristal
3   MTV Idol
2   Activ' Radio
2   Direct Fm
2   Demoiselle Fm
2   Fréquence Luz
2   NRJ
2   Radio Monaco
1   Happy Fm
1   Sing Sing
1   Hit radio
1   Hag Fm
1   FGL
1   NRJ12
1   France 2
1   RDB
104   Shut up and let me go
49   We walk
38   Soul killing
20   Great dj
14   Hit me down sonny
8   Hands
6   That's not my name
1   That s not my name(trans07)
03 201412723
18   Trent Mix
15   Europe 2 Classics
14   Le mouv'
10   ODS Radio
9   Evryone
7   Alouette
7   Ouifm
7   Radio Cristal
5   Toulouse Fm
5   Gold Fm
4   Neptune Fm
3   RTV
3   TF1
3   Demoiselle Fm
3   M6
2   MCM Pop
2   Sun
2   FlorFm
2   Balistiq
2   Fréquence Luz
2   Hag Fm
1   France 2
1   Direct Fm
75   Shut Up And Let Me Go
14   We Walk
10   Shut Up And Let Me Go.
9   Great Dj
5   Hands
4   That's Not My Name
1   That's not my name (Radio Edit)
02 20148316
14   Le mouv'
14   ODS Radio
10   Radio Cristal
8   Ouifm
8   Alouette
4   Gold Fm
4   Balistiq
4   Toulouse Fm
4   Demoiselle Fm
3   RTV
3   Neptune Fm
2   FlorFm
2   Activ' Radio
1   Hag Fm
1   Sun
1   Radio Oloron
49   Shut Up And Let Me Go
14   Shut Up And Let Me Go.
7   Hands
5   That's Not My Name
4   Hang It Up
1   Great DJ
1   We walk
01 20141810
4   ODS Radio
3   Sun
3   Ouifm
2   Radio Cristal
1   Le mouv'
1   Balistiq
1   FlorFm
1   Neptune Fm
1   Alouette
1   Demoiselle Fm
9   Shut Up And Let Me Go
4   Shut Up And Let Me Go.
1   That's Not My Name
1   Great Dj
1   Hands
1   Shut Up And Let Me
08 201311
1   Sun
1   Shut Up And Let Me Go