Footeuz Diffusion Radio Stats

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Recap artiste pour toutes les années | Stats année en cours | Archives :   2023 (74 diff.)    2022 (198 diff.)    2021 (304 diff.)    2020 (1119 diff.)    2019 (415 diff.)    2018 (83 diff.)    2017 (221 diff.)    2016 (826 diff.)    2015 (1234 diff.)    2014 (1865 diff.)    2013 (1093 diff.)    2012 (249 diff.)    2011 (34 diff.)    2010 (0 diff.)    2009 (0 diff.)    2008 (0 diff.)  

Statistiques de cette année

Classement de toutes les chansons

nb diffusionschanson
2054Fire on the mountain
1213Dead again
588Be my man
437Good thing
235Why can't we
191Murder in the usa
144Dead Again
86Fire On The Mountain
80Be My Man
72The beginning
60Satan be gone
39Bro da olé
35Be My Man (Radio Edit)
26Ok ok
24No one knows
21360 Degrees
19Eyi @dab`
13Fire on the moutain
13No One Knows
12May be
10360 degrees
8The way i feel
7360 °
7Preacher man
7bro da ole
6Sometimes i wonder
6Why can' t we
6the way i feel
6Bi'ban Ki
5Bi'ban ki
5Fire on the mountain.
5May Be
5why can t we
5Eye Adaba
4Fire on the mountain2007
4Fire on the montain
4Fire on the...
4So beautiful
4no one knows
4Be A Man
3Why can t we
3Dreamer girl
3eye adaba
3ok ok
2No one know
2dreamer girl
2360 °
2Why can't we (radio edit)
2Jailer (live)
1Baby gone
1Eye adaba
1preacher man
1360° (Radio Edit)
1Broda olÉ
1360 (live)
1Feeling Good (live)
1baby gone


Par années

annéenb diffusionsnb radiosradiosnb chansonschansons
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Collines la radio
1   Be my man
1   Good thing
29   Lyon 1ère
16   Radio Vassiviere
11   Collines la radio
7   Mega fm
7   Africa 1
2   RMB
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   RTBF La premiere
29   Be my man
14   Jailer
7   Good thing
6   Ocean
5   Why can't we
2   Fire on the mountain
2   Sometimes i wonder
2   Ok ok
2   Satan be gone
1   The way i feel
1   Or'
1   Maybe
1   Why can t we
1   Bimpé
81   Africa 1
37   Europe 2 Classics
29   Lyon 1ère
20   Collines la radio
7   Radio Vassiviere
6   Bac Fm
5   Mega fm
3   RMB
2   Delta Fm
2   Sun
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   K6 Fm
2   Neptune Fm
81   Ocean
36   Jailer
24   Fire on the mountain
22   Be my man
21   Good thing
2   The way i feel
2   Fire on the mountain2007
2   Fire on the moutain
2   360°
1   360 degrees
1   Or'
1   Why can't we
1   Maybe
1   Satan be gone
1   Sometimes i wonder
150   Europe 2 Classics
51   Lyon 1ère
40   Collines la radio
13   Mega fm
11   Bac Fm
10   Delta Fm
10   Sun
5   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Neptune Fm
5   Radio Vassiviere
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   K6 Fm
1   RMN
117   Jailer
83   Fire on the mountain
36   Be my man
35   Good thing
13   Why can't we
10   Fire on the moutain
2   Maybe
2   Ok ok
2   Dead again
1   Murder in the usa
1   Satan be gone
1   360 °
1   The beginning
569   Europe 2 Classics
245   Radio Jeunes Reims
119   Collines la radio
113   Mega fm
15   Neptune Fm
15   Sun
15   Lyon 1ère
9   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
8   K6 Fm
3   Bac Fm
3   Radio Vassiviere
2   Radio Néo
1   Europe 1
1   Radio Cristal
1   RMN
311   Fire on the mountain
296   Jailer
210   Good thing
157   Murder in the usa
71   The beginning
46   Be my man
15   Why can't we
5   Dead again
2   Fire on the mountain2007
1   The way i feel
1   Sometimes i wonder
1   Fire on the montain
1   360 degrees
1   360 °
1   Maybe
147   Europe 2 Classics
99   Collines la radio
64   Neptune Fm
36   Sun
31   Radio Jeunes Reims
13   Bac Fm
9   Plein Air
6   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
6   Radio Vassiviere
2   RMN
2   Europe 1
163   Good thing
88   Fire on the mountain
85   Jailer
33   Murder in the usa
15   Why can't we
13   Dead again
11   Be my man
2   360 degrees
2   Sometimes i wonder
1   Satan be gone
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
24   Divergence Fm
16   VFM radio
14   Sun
11   Bac Fm
5   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
4   Radio Campus Amiens
4   Hit West
3   Neptune Fm
1   Radio One
1   Balistiq
24   Be my man
15   Fire on the mountain
11   Dead again
7   Jailer
5   Awi
4   Eyi @dab`
3   Why can't we
3   Subway
3   Fire on the montain
2   Bi'ban ki
2   Peace
2   3600
1   Situation
1   No one knows
64   Sun
47   VFM radio
40   Divergence Fm
21   Bac Fm
12   Radio Campus Amiens
11   Radio Escapades
8   Neptune Fm
5   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
4   Balistiq
4   Radio One
3   Hit West
1   Radio Nova
1   RTV
75   Be my man
47   Fire on the mountain
27   Jailer
21   Dead again
18   Why can't we
8   Eyi @dab`
5   No one knows
4   Peace
4   Subway
3   Bi'ban ki
3   Awi
2   Situation
2   No one know
2   3600
543   Europe 2 Classics
50   RFI Musique
49   Radio Escapades
39   Bac Fm
27   RTV
27   Sun
19   R-Dwa
9   RDB
9   Radio Campus Amiens
9   Sing Sing
8   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
7   RTBF La premiere
7   Neptune Fm
6   Hit West
5   Balistiq
3   Radio Verdon
3   Radio Grenouille
3   Radio Nova
2   Radio Campus Lille
1   RVVS
297   Jailer
296   Fire on the mountain
60   Be my man
46   Dead again
31   Iba
18   Why can't we
14   360
12   Bro da olé
11   Ok ok
8   No one knows
5   Situation
5   Peace
5   360°
3   Fire on the mountain.
3   May be
3   Jailer...
2   Bimpé
2   Fire on the...
1   Awe
1   Why can' t we
1   Bibanke
1   Subway
1   Dreamer girl
662   Europe 2 Classics
93   Bac Fm
83   RFI Musique
69   Radio Gâtine
57   RVVS
47   ODS Radio
30   Neptune Fm
27   Sing Sing
22   R-Dwa
20   Demoiselle Fm
18   Divergence Fm
16   Radio Verdon
15   Radio Campus Amiens
10   RTBF La premiere
10   Hit West
8   RDB
8   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
8   Radio Escapades
7   Balistiq
6   Radio Campus Lille
5   RTV
3   Sun
3   Mega fm
2   Radio Grenouille
2   Radio Nova
2   Radio Pulsar
1   Delta Fm
434   Fire on the mountain
345   Jailer
144   Dead Again
55   Satan be gone
55   Be my man
40   Why can't we
36   360
27   Bro da olé
10   No one knows
9   May be
8   Ok ok
7   Situation
6   360 degrees
5   Peace
4   Jailer...
4   Why can' t we
3   Eyo
2   Maybe
2   Fire on the...
2   Bibanke
2   Dreamer girl
2   Fire on the mountain.
2   Iba
2   So beautiful
2   Why can t we
1   360°
1   Bimpé
1   Ore
1   Baby gone
1   Subway
1   Awe
1   Preacher man
1   Eye adaba
230   Happy Fm
229   Europe 2 Classics
195   Bac Fm
186   Mega fm
125   ODS Radio
122   Neptune Fm
84   Europe 2
80   Radio Lovely
79   Europe 2 (ex Virgin New)
76   RFI Musique
64   Radio Gâtine
62   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
57   FGL
38   Radio Fajet
35   Sing Sing
24   Radio Campus Amiens
20   Collines la radio
16   Europe 1
15   ARL
15   K6 Fm
14   R-Dwa
13   Radio Escapades
10   RTV
9   Oxygene Radio
8   Radio Verdon
6   Balistiq
6   VFM radio
5   RVVS
4   Sun
4   Radio Pulsar
4   Africa 1
4   Radio Campus Lille
4   Fréquence Luz
4   RDB
3   M6
2   Maritima
2   Demoiselle Fm
2   Radio Oloron
2   FIP
2   Radio Grenouille
1   Radio Intensite
1   Delta Fm
1   Divergence Fm
1   Hag Fm
1   RTBF La premiere
1115   Dead again
435   Fire on the mountain
80   Be My Man
69   Jailer
38   Why can't we
32   360
12   360 Degrees
10   iba
9   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
7   bro da ole
6   Maybe
6   the way i feel
5   May Be
4   why can t we
4   no one knows
3   eye adaba
3   ok ok
2   subway
2   dreamer girl
2   So beautiful
2   360 °
2   Peace
2   Awe
2   Bimpé
1   preacher man
1   360° (Radio Edit)
1   Bimp?
1   Why can' t we
1   Fire on the moutain
1   Broda olÉ
1   Why can't we (radio edit)
358   ODS Radio
135   Radio Phénix
121   77 Fm
76   Radio Gâtine
67   Sun
65   Radio Campus Amiens
46   Divergence Fm
41   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
35   Neptune Fm
32   Bac Fm
32   RFL
14   RTV
13   K6 Fm
11   Balistiq
7   Sing Sing
7   Radio Mont-Blanc
6   Mega fm
6   Radio Pulsar
5   Variation Fm
4   Tonic radio
4   Radio Oloron
2   Hit West
2   Le mouv'
2   Radio Nova
1   Collines la radio
1   Demoiselle Fm
319   Fire on the mountain
289   Jailer
192   Be my man
89   360°
49   360
37   Why can't we
23   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
9   360 Degrees
8   Awi
7   Subway
7   Eyi @dab`
7   No One Knows
6   Questions
6   Maybe
6   Peace
5   Bi'ban Ki
4   Be A Man
3   Bibanke
2   The way i feel
2   01
2   Bimp
2   Eye Adaba
1   3600
1   360 (live)
1   Jailer (live)
1   Feeling Good (live)
1   360 °
1   Why can't we (radio edit)
1   why can t we
1   baby gone
55   ODS Radio
42   RFL
29   77 Fm
29   Radio Phénix
21   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
16   Sun
12   Divergence Fm
9   K6 Fm
8   Bac Fm
6   Radio Campus Amiens
5   Radio Gâtine
4   Le mouv'
4   Mega fm
4   Collines la radio
3   Radio Oloron
1   Variation Fm
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
86   Fire On The Mountain
46   Jailer
35   Be my man
18   360°
8   Why can't we
6   No One Knows
6   Preacher man
6   Subway
5   Or
4   360 °
3   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
3   Iba
3   Ok ok
3   Peace
3   Eye Adaba
2   Questions
2   3600
2   Bibanke
1   Jailer (live)
1   360
1   Bimp
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
1   01
1   Bi'ban Ki
34   Europe 1
24   Why can't we
8   Maybe
2   Be my man

Par mois

moisnb diffusionsnb radiosradiosnb chansonschansons
01 202422
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Collines la radio
1   Be my man
1   Good thing
12 202331
3   Lyon 1ère
2   Be my man
1   Jailer
11 202322
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Mega fm
2   Jailer
10 202322
1   Mega fm
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Be my man
1   Jailer
09 202321
2   Lyon 1ère
2   Jailer
08 202331
3   Lyon 1ère
3   Be my man
07 2023185
9   Radio Vassiviere
3   Mega fm
3   Africa 1
2   Collines la radio
1   Lyon 1ère
9   Be my man
3   Ocean
2   Why can't we
1   Jailer
1   Sometimes i wonder
1   Ok ok
1   Satan be gone
06 202383
3   Collines la radio
3   Lyon 1ère
2   Africa 1
3   Good thing
2   Jailer
2   Ocean
1   Be my man
05 202352
4   Lyon 1ère
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Be my man
1   Jailer
1   Good thing
04 202362
4   Lyon 1ère
2   Collines la radio
3   Be my man
1   Good thing
1   Jailer
1   Why can't we
03 202385
2   Africa 1
2   Mega fm
2   Lyon 1ère
1   Collines la radio
1   RTBF La premiere
3   Be my man
1   Ocean
1   Why can't we
1   Why can t we
1   Jailer
1   Bimpé
02 2023133
7   Radio Vassiviere
3   Collines la radio
3   Lyon 1ère
4   Be my man
2   Good thing
1   Why can't we
1   The way i feel
1   Ok ok
1   Satan be gone
1   Sometimes i wonder
1   Or'
1   Maybe
01 202342
2   Lyon 1ère
2   RMB
2   Jailer
2   Fire on the mountain
12 202211
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Be my man
11 202242
2   Collines la radio
2   Lyon 1ère
2   Good thing
2   Jailer
10 2022177
5   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
3   Mega fm
2   RMB
2   Africa 1
1   K6 Fm
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Be my man
4   Good thing
4   Jailer
2   Ocean
1   Fire on the mountain2007
1   360°
09 2022124
6   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
2   Africa 1
1   Radio Vassiviere
4   Jailer
2   Be my man
2   Ocean
2   Good thing
1   Or'
1   Why can't we
08 2022135
7   Africa 1
3   Lyon 1ère
1   Sun
1   RMB
1   Collines la radio
7   Ocean
3   Be my man
1   Jailer
1   360°
1   Good thing
07 2022114
7   Africa 1
2   Collines la radio
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Radio Vassiviere
7   Ocean
2   Good thing
1   Jailer
1   Satan be gone
06 2022196
9   Africa 1
4   Radio Vassiviere
3   Lyon 1ère
1   Sun
1   Collines la radio
1   Bac Fm
9   Ocean
3   Be my man
2   Jailer
1   Good thing
1   Fire on the mountain
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
1   Sometimes i wonder
05 2022354
30   Africa 1
3   Collines la radio
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   K6 Fm
30   Ocean
4   Good thing
1   Fire on the mountain2007
04 2022275
16   Africa 1
8   Europe 2 Classics
1   Collines la radio
1   Neptune Fm
1   Lyon 1ère
16   Ocean
5   Jailer
3   Fire on the mountain
2   Be my man
1   Good thing
03 2022437
23   Europe 2 Classics
8   Africa 1
4   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
2   Delta Fm
2   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
14   Fire on the mountain
13   Jailer
8   Ocean
3   Good thing
2   Fire on the moutain
2   Be my man
1   360 degrees
02 2022126
6   Europe 2 Classics
2   Lyon 1ère
1   Radio Vassiviere
1   Mega fm
1   Collines la radio
1   Bac Fm
4   Fire on the mountain
4   Jailer
2   Be my man
1   The way i feel
1   Good thing
01 202243
2   Bac Fm
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Mega fm
2   Fire on the mountain
2   Be my man
12 202174
2   Collines la radio
2   Europe 2 Classics
2   Mega fm
1   RMN
2   Good thing
2   Jailer
1   Murder in the usa
1   Fire on the mountain
1   Be my man
11 202186
2   Delta Fm
2   Sun
1   Lyon 1ère
1   Collines la radio
1   Bac Fm
1   Mega fm
3   Jailer
2   Fire on the moutain
2   Fire on the mountain
1   Good thing
10 202153
2   Collines la radio
2   Lyon 1ère
1   Mega fm
2   Good thing
2   Jailer
1   Be my man
09 2021114
6   Europe 2 Classics
3   Lyon 1ère
1   Neptune Fm
1   Mega fm
5   Jailer
4   Fire on the mountain
1   Good thing
1   Be my man
08 2021115
5   Europe 2 Classics
3   Bac Fm
1   Radio Vassiviere
1   Delta Fm
1   Collines la radio
5   Fire on the mountain
3   Jailer
1   Maybe
1   Fire on the moutain
1   Good thing
07 2021247
5   Lyon 1ère
5   Collines la radio
4   Europe 2 Classics
4   Mega fm
2   Sun
2   Delta Fm
2   Bac Fm
8   Be my man
4   Jailer
4   Fire on the mountain
4   Good thing
2   Why can't we
2   Fire on the moutain
06 2021377
20   Europe 2 Classics
8   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
2   Neptune Fm
2   Delta Fm
1   Radio Vassiviere
1   Sun
15   Jailer
9   Fire on the mountain
5   Be my man
2   Why can't we
2   Good thing
2   Fire on the moutain
1   Ok ok
1   Dead again
05 2021318
16   Europe 2 Classics
7   Collines la radio
2   Delta Fm
2   Lyon 1ère
1   Mega fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Bac Fm
1   Sun
15   Jailer
6   Good thing
6   Fire on the mountain
2   Fire on the moutain
1   Why can't we
1   Be my man
04 20214911
29   Europe 2 Classics
6   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Radio Vassiviere
2   Mega fm
1   Bac Fm
1   Delta Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   K6 Fm
1   Sun
20   Jailer
17   Fire on the mountain
4   Good thing
2   Be my man
2   Why can't we
1   Maybe
1   Fire on the moutain
1   Ok ok
1   Dead again
03 2021377
18   Europe 2 Classics
7   Lyon 1ère
5   Collines la radio
3   Bac Fm
2   Sun
1   Radio Vassiviere
1   Mega fm
14   Jailer
10   Fire on the mountain
6   Be my man
3   Good thing
2   Why can't we
1   Satan be gone
1   360 °
02 2021536
32   Europe 2 Classics
11   Lyon 1ère
7   Collines la radio
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Neptune Fm
22   Jailer
17   Fire on the mountain
6   Good thing
6   Be my man
2   Why can't we
01 2021315
18   Europe 2 Classics
6   Lyon 1ère
4   Collines la radio
2   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Sun
12   Jailer
8   Fire on the mountain
5   Be my man
3   Good thing
2   Why can't we
1   The beginning
12 2020455
25   Europe 2 Classics
11   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Collines la radio
3   Lyon 1ère
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
15   Fire on the mountain
13   Jailer
12   Good thing
4   The beginning
1   Be my man
11 2020205
12   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Lyon 1ère
3   Collines la radio
1   K6 Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
9   Good thing
4   The beginning
3   Be my man
2   Why can't we
1   Fire on the mountain2007
1   Fire on the mountain
10 2020576
22   Radio Jeunes Reims
20   Europe 2 Classics
6   Collines la radio
4   Neptune Fm
4   Lyon 1ère
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
22   Good thing
11   Fire on the mountain
10   Jailer
8   The beginning
5   Be my man
1   Why can't we
09 2020897
56   Europe 2 Classics
19   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Lyon 1ère
5   Collines la radio
2   Neptune Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   K6 Fm
29   Fire on the mountain
28   Jailer
14   Good thing
5   Be my man
5   The beginning
4   Murder in the usa
2   Dead again
1   Fire on the mountain2007
1   Why can't we
08 20201057
61   Europe 2 Classics
27   Radio Jeunes Reims
7   Collines la radio
4   Sun
3   Neptune Fm
2   Mega fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
37   Fire on the mountain
27   Jailer
18   Good thing
8   The beginning
8   Murder in the usa
4   Be my man
3   Why can't we
07 2020979
60   Europe 2 Classics
20   Radio Jeunes Reims
7   Collines la radio
3   Mega fm
3   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   K6 Fm
1   Neptune Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
34   Fire on the mountain
32   Jailer
10   Good thing
7   The beginning
7   Murder in the usa
3   Why can't we
3   Be my man
1   Dead again
06 20201048
58   Europe 2 Classics
26   Radio Jeunes Reims
8   Mega fm
4   Sun
3   Collines la radio
3   Radio Vassiviere
1   K6 Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
32   Jailer
31   Fire on the mountain
11   Good thing
10   The beginning
8   Murder in the usa
8   Be my man
1   Why can't we
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
1   Sometimes i wonder
05 20201579
86   Europe 2 Classics
39   Radio Jeunes Reims
15   Mega fm
6   Collines la radio
4   K6 Fm
3   Sun
2   Bac Fm
1   Europe 1
1   Neptune Fm
48   Jailer
45   Fire on the mountain
17   Good thing
16   Murder in the usa
15   Be my man
11   The beginning
2   Why can't we
2   Dead again
1   360 °
04 2020896
59   Europe 2 Classics
21   Radio Jeunes Reims
6   Collines la radio
1   Neptune Fm
1   Mega fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
30   Fire on the mountain
30   Jailer
15   Good thing
7   Murder in the usa
5   The beginning
1   360 degrees
1   Be my man
03 20201055
45   Europe 2 Classics
32   Mega fm
18   Radio Jeunes Reims
8   Collines la radio
2   Radio Néo
36   Murder in the usa
26   Jailer
24   Fire on the mountain
14   Good thing
4   The beginning
1   Why can't we
02 20201317
52   Mega fm
51   Europe 2 Classics
18   Radio Jeunes Reims
5   Collines la radio
3   Neptune Fm
1   Sun
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
58   Murder in the usa
29   Fire on the mountain
27   Jailer
10   Good thing
5   The beginning
1   Why can't we
1   Be my man
01 20201205
58   Collines la radio
48   Europe 2 Classics
12   Radio Jeunes Reims
1   Radio Cristal
1   RMN
58   Good thing
25   Fire on the mountain
23   Jailer
13   Murder in the usa
1   Fire on the montain
12 20191226
49   Europe 2 Classics
48   Collines la radio
20   Radio Jeunes Reims
3   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
47   Good thing
26   Jailer
25   Fire on the mountain
20   Murder in the usa
3   Why can't we
1   Dead again
11 2019495
37   Collines la radio
8   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   RMN
37   Good thing
9   Murder in the usa
2   Fire on the mountain
1   Dead again
10 20196410
29   Europe 2 Classics
14   Collines la radio
7   Plein Air
4   Sun
3   Radio Jeunes Reims
2   Europe 1
2   Neptune Fm
1   RMN
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio Vassiviere
23   Good thing
17   Jailer
15   Fire on the mountain
4   Murder in the usa
1   360 degrees
1   Dead again
1   Why can't we
1   Sometimes i wonder
1   Be my man
09 2019194
14   Europe 2 Classics
2   Sun
2   Plein Air
1   Bac Fm
9   Fire on the mountain
6   Jailer
2   Good thing
1   Dead again
1   Be my man
08 2019516
24   Europe 2 Classics
17   Neptune Fm
4   Sun
4   Radio Vassiviere
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Bac Fm
17   Good thing
15   Jailer
12   Fire on the mountain
2   Be my man
1   Dead again
1   Why can't we
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
1   Sometimes i wonder
07 2019695
31   Neptune Fm
31   Europe 2 Classics
5   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio Vassiviere
31   Good thing
17   Jailer
16   Fire on the mountain
2   Why can't we
1   Dead again
1   Be my man
1   Satan be gone
06 2019114
6   Neptune Fm
2   Sun
2   Bac Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
6   Good thing
2   Dead again
1   Be my man
1   Why can't we
1   Fire on the mountain
05 201973
4   Sun
2   Bac Fm
1   Neptune Fm
2   Fire on the mountain
2   Dead again
2   Jailer
1   Be my man
04 201964
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   Sun
1   Neptune Fm
1   Bac Fm
4   Fire on the mountain
1   Be my man
1   Dead again
03 201984
3   Neptune Fm
3   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
3   Why can't we
2   Be my man
1   Dead again
1   Fire on the mountain
1   Jailer
02 201942
3   Sun
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
3   Why can't we
1   Fire on the mountain
01 201953
2   Neptune Fm
2   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   360 degrees
1   Jailer
1   Why can't we
1   Dead again
1   Be my man
12 201843
2   Neptune Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Divergence Fm
1   Fire on the mountain
1   Bi'ban ki
1   Be my man
1   Why can't we
11 201832
2   Divergence Fm
1   Bac Fm
2   Fire on the mountain
1   Dead again
10 2018104
7   Divergence Fm
1   Hit West
1   Bac Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   Awi
2   Eyi @dab`
1   No one knows
1   Fire on the montain
1   Subway
1   Dead again
1   Jailer
1   Fire on the mountain
06 201832
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Bac Fm
1   Fire on the mountain
1   Dead again
1   Jailer
03 2018117
3   Divergence Fm
2   VFM radio
2   Sun
1   Balistiq
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio One
3   Be my man
2   Fire on the mountain
2   Jailer
1   3600
1   Dead again
1   Peace
1   Situation
02 2018206
5   Sun
5   Divergence Fm
5   VFM radio
2   Bac Fm
2   Hit West
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
7   Be my man
3   Fire on the mountain
2   Subway
2   Eyi @dab`
2   Dead again
2   Fire on the montain
1   Why can't we
1   Awi
01 2018328
9   VFM radio
7   Sun
6   Divergence Fm
5   Bac Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Neptune Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Hit West
13   Be my man
5   Fire on the mountain
5   Dead again
3   Jailer
2   Awi
1   Bi'ban ki
1   Why can't we
1   Peace
1   3600
12 2017276
9   Sun
5   Divergence Fm
5   VFM radio
4   Bac Fm
2   Neptune Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
9   Be my man
4   Fire on the mountain
4   Dead again
3   Why can't we
3   Jailer
1   Eyi @dab`
1   Bi'ban ki
1   Subway
1   3600
11 2017259
8   Sun
5   Divergence Fm
4   Bac Fm
2   VFM radio
2   Neptune Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Hit West
1   Balistiq
6   Be my man
4   Dead again
4   Fire on the mountain
3   Jailer
3   Why can't we
2   No one knows
1   No one know
1   Bi'ban ki
1   Peace
10 20173110
7   Divergence Fm
7   VFM radio
7   Sun
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   Bac Fm
2   Hit West
1   Radio Escapades
1   Radio One
1   RTV
1   Radio Campus Amiens
12   Be my man
7   Fire on the mountain
4   Jailer
2   Dead again
2   Why can't we
2   Eyi @dab`
1   No one knows
1   Subway
09 2017289
12   Sun
5   Divergence Fm
5   VFM radio
1   Radio Nova
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio Escapades
1   Balistiq
1   Radio One
1   Radio Campus Amiens
8   Fire on the mountain
8   Be my man
7   Jailer
2   Why can't we
1   Situation
1   Dead again
1   Eyi @dab`
08 2017218
5   VFM radio
5   Sun
3   Radio Escapades
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Bac Fm
2   Divergence Fm
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Radio One
8   Fire on the mountain
7   Be my man
2   Dead again
2   Jailer
1   Why can't we
1   Bi'ban ki
07 20174010
11   Sun
9   VFM radio
7   Divergence Fm
5   Bac Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Neptune Fm
1   Radio Escapades
1   Balistiq
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Radio One
14   Be my man
5   Dead again
5   Fire on the mountain
4   Jailer
4   Why can't we
3   Eyi @dab`
2   Peace
1   3600
1   Situation
1   Awi
06 2017378
10   Sun
9   VFM radio
6   Divergence Fm
4   Radio Escapades
3   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Neptune Fm
2   Bac Fm
1   Balistiq
14   Be my man
9   Fire on the mountain
3   Why can't we
3   Jailer
2   Subway
2   Dead again
2   Awi
1   No one knows
1   No one know
05 2017125
5   VFM radio
3   Divergence Fm
2   Sun
1   Bac Fm
1   Radio Escapades
5   Be my man
2   Fire on the mountain
1   Dead again
1   No one knows
1   Peace
1   Jailer
1   Eyi @dab`
09 2016377
25   Europe 2 Classics
5   Radio Escapades
3   Bac Fm
1   R-Dwa
1   Hit West
1   Sun
1   RTBF La premiere
15   Jailer
12   Fire on the mountain
3   Dead again
2   360
1   Fire on the...
1   Fire on the mountain.
1   No one knows
1   Iba
1   Bibanke
08 2016319
11   Radio Escapades
5   Bac Fm
4   Sun
4   RTV
3   R-Dwa
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Nova
1   Radio Grenouille
9   Iba
5   Be my man
5   Dead again
3   Jailer
2   360
2   Fire on the mountain
2   Why can't we
1   Situation
1   May be
1   Peace
07 2016208
7   RFI Musique
3   Radio Escapades
3   Bac Fm
2   Sun
2   RTV
1   Balistiq
1   Neptune Fm
1   Radio Campus Amiens
5   Be my man
4   Dead again
3   Jailer
2   No one knows
1   Bro da olé
1   Ok ok
1   360
1   Iba
1   Why can't we
1   Situation
06 20167112
33   Europe 2 Classics
8   Radio Escapades
5   Bac Fm
5   RFI Musique
4   RTV
4   R-Dwa
3   Sun
3   RDB
2   RTBF La premiere
2   Neptune Fm
1   Hit West
1   RVVS
20   Fire on the mountain
20   Jailer
9   Be my man
5   Dead again
5   Iba
3   Why can't we
3   360°
1   Fire on the mountain.
1   No one knows
1   Peace
1   May be
1   Ok ok
1   Bimpé
05 201612711
86   Europe 2 Classics
10   RFI Musique
9   Radio Escapades
5   Sun
4   R-Dwa
4   RTV
3   Bac Fm
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   RDB
1   Radio Grenouille
1   Neptune Fm
48   Fire on the mountain
47   Jailer
7   Be my man
6   Iba
4   Dead again
4   Bro da olé
3   No one knows
2   Ok ok
2   Why can't we
2   360°
1   360
1   Peace
04 201613914
105   Europe 2 Classics
6   RFI Musique
5   Bac Fm
4   Radio Escapades
4   Sun
3   Hit West
2   RTV
2   Radio Nova
2   RDB
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Neptune Fm
1   R-Dwa
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Balistiq
57   Jailer
53   Fire on the mountain
8   Be my man
6   Dead again
3   Why can't we
3   Iba
3   Jailer...
2   360
1   Ok ok
1   Peace
1   Situation
1   Bro da olé
03 201612412
101   Europe 2 Classics
5   RFI Musique
3   Radio Escapades
3   Bac Fm
3   RTV
2   Neptune Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   RTBF La premiere
1   R-Dwa
1   Balistiq
1   RDB
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
57   Fire on the mountain
48   Jailer
7   Be my man
3   Dead again
2   360
1   Bro da olé
1   Situation
1   Why can' t we
1   Ok ok
1   Why can't we
1   May be
1   Iba
02 201612914
90   Europe 2 Classics
10   RFI Musique
5   Bac Fm
4   RTV
4   Radio Escapades
3   Sing Sing
3   RTBF La premiere
2   Radio Campus Lille
2   Sun
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Radio Grenouille
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Radio Verdon
1   R-Dwa
50   Fire on the mountain
46   Jailer
9   Be my man
7   Dead again
4   Iba
3   360
3   Bro da olé
2   Ok ok
2   Why can't we
1   Fire on the mountain.
1   No one knows
1   Peace
01 201614814
103   Europe 2 Classics
7   Bac Fm
7   RFI Musique
6   Sun
6   Sing Sing
4   RTV
4   R-Dwa
3   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
2   Radio Verdon
2   Radio Escapades
1   RDB
1   Balistiq
1   Hit West
1   Radio Campus Amiens
58   Jailer
54   Fire on the mountain
10   Be my man
9   Dead again
4   Why can't we
3   Ok ok
2   Bro da olé
1   Bimpé
1   Situation
1   Fire on the...
1   Awe
1   360
1   Iba
1   Subway
1   Dreamer girl
12 201516618
110   Europe 2 Classics
11   RFI Musique
7   Sing Sing
7   Bac Fm
4   RTV
4   Neptune Fm
3   Radio Campus Amiens
3   Radio Gâtine
3   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
3   Sun
2   R-Dwa
2   Hit West
2   Radio Verdon
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Balistiq
1   RDB
1   Radio Nova
1   Radio Grenouille
63   Fire on the mountain
55   Jailer
11   Dead again
11   Be my man
6   360
5   Why can't we
4   Ok ok
2   Bro da olé
2   No one knows
1   So beautiful
1   Situation
1   Why can t we
1   Why can' t we
1   Jailer...
1   Bibanke
1   Iba
11 20159811
62   Europe 2 Classics
16   RFI Musique
6   Bac Fm
3   Sing Sing
3   R-Dwa
2   Neptune Fm
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   RTBF La premiere
1   Balistiq
1   Hit West
1   Radio Verdon
39   Jailer
30   Fire on the mountain
12   Dead Again
4   Bro da olé
3   Why can't we
2   May be
2   Be my man
2   Ok ok
1   Eye adaba
1   Situation
1   No one knows
1   Preacher man
10 20153310
8   Bac Fm
7   Sing Sing
6   RFI Musique
3   Radio Gâtine
2   RDB
2   Radio Verdon
2   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
1   Hit West
1   RTBF La premiere
1   R-Dwa
8   Dead again
4   Fire on the mountain
3   Be my man
3   Why can't we
2   Bro da olé
2   Peace
1   Ok ok
1   Iba
1   Jailer...
1   No one knows
1   So beautiful
1   Eyo
1   Why can t we
1   Fire on the mountain.
1   Awe
1   360
1   Why can' t we
09 20154111
10   Bac Fm
9   Radio Gâtine
6   Europe 2 Classics
4   Sing Sing
3   RFI Musique
2   Radio Verdon
2   R-Dwa
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Hit West
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Aples Sud (Alpes 1)
10   Dead again
9   Fire on the mountain
5   Jailer
4   360
4   Be my man
4   Why can't we
3   Bro da olé
1   Ok ok
1   Dreamer girl
08 20152812
6   Bac Fm
6   RFI Musique
5   Radio Gâtine
2   Radio Verdon
2   Europe 2 Classics
1   RVVS
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   RDB
1   Delta Fm
1   R-Dwa
1   Sing Sing
1   Radio Campus Amiens
9   Dead Again
6   Be my man
4   Fire on the mountain
3   Bro da olé
2   360
2   Why can't we
1   Jailer
1   Subway
07 201510811
79   Europe 2 Classics
7   Radio Gâtine
7   Bac Fm
5   RFI Musique
3   Sing Sing
2   R-Dwa
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Neptune Fm
1   RTBF La premiere
1   RDB
43   Jailer
40   Fire on the mountain
10   Dead again
3   Be my man
3   360
2   Bro da ole
1   Fire on the mountain.
1   No one knows
1   Ore
1   Baby gone
1   Why can' t we
1   May be
1   360 degrees
06 201512714
79   Europe 2 Classics
14   Radio Gâtine
8   Bac Fm
5   Demoiselle Fm
3   Neptune Fm
3   RFI Musique
3   ODS Radio
3   Radio Verdon
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Divergence Fm
2   Sing Sing
1   RDB
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Balistiq
54   Fire on the mountain
37   Jailer
12   Dead again
8   360
5   Why can't we
4   Be my man
1   May be
1   Dreamer girl
1   Situation
1   Bro da olé
1   360 degrees
05 201519418
105   Europe 2 Classics
21   RVVS
9   ODS Radio
8   Radio Gâtine
7   Bac Fm
6   RFI Musique
6   Neptune Fm
6   Demoiselle Fm
5   Divergence Fm
5   R-Dwa
4   RTBF La premiere
3   Radio Escapades
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Radio Verdon
2   Hit West
1   RDB
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Campus Lille
72   Fire on the mountain
51   Jailer
21   Satan be gone
18   Dead again
7   Why can't we
5   Be my man
3   May be
2   Bro da olé
2   360
1   Bimpé
1   Fire on the...
1   360 degrees
1   Jailer...
1   Peace
1   Why can' t we
1   Situation
1   No one knows
04 201516216
80   Europe 2 Classics
29   RVVS
12   ODS Radio
7   Radio Gâtine
6   RFI Musique
5   Neptune Fm
5   Bac Fm
5   Divergence Fm
4   Demoiselle Fm
2   Balistiq
2   R-Dwa
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Radio Nova
1   Radio Verdon
1   Radio Escapades
1   RDB
60   Fire on the mountain
41   Jailer
29   Satan be gone
10   Dead again
4   Why can't we
3   Bro da olé
3   360
2   May be
2   Be my man
2   Situation
1   360 degrees
03 201512116
73   Europe 2 Classics
11   ODS Radio
7   RFI Musique
5   RVVS
4   Neptune Fm
4   Radio Gâtine
3   Bac Fm
2   Hit West
2   Divergence Fm
2   Radio Escapades
2   R-Dwa
2   Demoiselle Fm
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Mega fm
1   Radio Grenouille
1   RTBF La premiere
50   Fire on the mountain
39   Jailer
8   Dead again
6   Be my man
5   Satan be gone
3   Why can't we
1   No one knows
1   360
1   Bro da olé
1   Peace
1   Bibanke
1   Fire on the...
1   360°
1   Maybe
02 201510217
57   Europe 2 Classics
7   RFI Musique
7   Bac Fm
6   ODS Radio
6   Radio Gâtine
4   Divergence Fm
2   Demoiselle Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   R-Dwa
2   Neptune Fm
1   Radio Verdon
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Balistiq
1   RTV
1   Mega fm
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Hit West
37   Fire on the mountain
29   Jailer
11   Dead again
6   Be my man
4   360
2   Why can't we
2   Eyo
1   Maybe
1   No one knows
1   360 degrees
1   Situation
1   Bro da olé
1   Jailer...
1   Peace
01 20155411
19   Bac Fm
9   Europe 2 Classics
7   RFI Musique
6   ODS Radio
3   Radio Gâtine
3   Neptune Fm
2   RTBF La premiere
2   Radio Escapades
1   RVVS
1   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Mega fm
25   Dead Again
11   Fire on the mountain
5   Jailer
3   Bro da olé
3   Be my man
2   No one knows
2   Why can't we
2   360
1   360 degrees
09 201443
2   Europe 1
1   Bac Fm
1   Europe 2 Classics
3   Dead again
1   Fire on the mountain
08 201449522
97   Happy Fm
65   Europe 2 (ex Virgin New)
56   Radio Lovely
54   Mega fm
46   Bac Fm
38   FGL
37   Europe 2 Classics
26   Neptune Fm
19   Europe 2
18   RFI Musique
12   Radio Gâtine
7   ODS Radio
4   Radio Fajet
3   Collines la radio
3   R-Dwa
3   Radio Escapades
2   Sing Sing
1   RTBF La premiere
1   Radio Grenouille
1   Radio Pulsar
1   RVVS
1   Radio Campus Amiens
424   Dead again
48   Fire on the mountain
5   Jailer
4   360
4   Be my man
3   Why can't we
2   Iba
1   May be
1   360 degrees
1   Maybe
1   360 °
1   Bimpé
07 201448126
81   Happy Fm
77   Mega fm
62   Bac Fm
42   Europe 2 Classics
35   Neptune Fm
32   Europe 2
31   RFI Musique
24   Radio Lovely
19   FGL
14   Europe 2 (ex Virgin New)
11   Radio Fajet
10   ODS Radio
9   Europe 1
8   Radio Gâtine
6   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
4   Sing Sing
3   R-Dwa
2   Radio Verdon
2   Collines la radio
2   RTV
2   Radio Escapades
1   VFM radio
1   FIP
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Radio Oloron
1   RDB
390   Dead again
60   Fire on the mountain
9   Be my man
6   Jailer
6   Why can't we
2   360
2   Peace
1   The way i feel
1   Bro da ole
1   360 degrees
1   Be my man (radio edit)
1   May be
1   Iba
06 201437229
57   Bac Fm
56   Europe 2 Classics
47   Happy Fm
43   Mega fm
36   Neptune Fm
33   Europe 2
23   Radio Fajet
13   Radio Gâtine
12   ODS Radio
9   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
6   Radio Escapades
6   Sing Sing
6   Collines la radio
5   Europe 1
2   Balistiq
2   K6 Fm
2   Maritima
2   R-Dwa
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   M6
1   RFI Musique
1   Radio Oloron
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Radio Verdon
1   RDB
1   VFM radio
1   FIP
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Africa 1
247   Dead again
82   Fire on the mountain
9   Be my man
9   Why can't we
5   360
4   Iba
3   Jailer
2   360 degrees
2   Maybe
2   No one know
1   Broda olÉ
1   No one knows
1   Why can't we (radio edit)
1   So beautiful
1   Why can t we
1   Ok ok
1   Fire on the moutain
05 201417424
55   Europe 2 Classics
29   Bac Fm
11   ODS Radio
9   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
9   RFI Musique
9   Oxygene Radio
7   Neptune Fm
6   Radio Gâtine
6   K6 Fm
5   Happy Fm
5   Collines la radio
4   Mega fm
3   RTV
2   Fréquence Luz
2   Radio Escapades
2   R-Dwa
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Radio Verdon
1   ARL
1   Sing Sing
1   RDB
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Balistiq
1   RVVS
85   Fire on the mountain
51   Dead again
9   Be my man
7   Why can't we
5   360
4   Bro da olé
3   Jailer
2   The way i feel
2   Iba
2   Awe
1   No one know
1   May be
1   No one knows
1   360 degrees
04 201412724
21   Europe 2 Classics
13   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
12   ODS Radio
11   Radio Gâtine
10   ARL
9   Radio Campus Amiens
8   RFI Musique
7   Sing Sing
7   K6 Fm
4   VFM radio
4   Neptune Fm
3   Africa 1
3   Mega fm
3   Collines la radio
2   RTV
2   Radio Verdon
1   Fréquence Luz
1   Radio Intensite
1   Delta Fm
1   RVVS
1   Radio Pulsar
1   M6
1   Radio Grenouille
1   RDB
65   Fire on the mountain
24   Be my man
7   360
6   Why can't we
6   Jailer
5   Be my man (radio edit)
2   Eye adaba
2   Why can t we
1   Dreamer girl
1   Ok ok
1   Bimp?
1   Why can' t we
1   The way i feel
1   360 degrees
1   May be
1   360 °
1   Maybe
1   Subway
03 20149920
21   ODS Radio
17   Europe 2 Classics
10   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
9   RFI Musique
8   Radio Gâtine
7   Sing Sing
4   Radio Campus Amiens
4   ARL
4   Neptune Fm
2   R-Dwa
2   RVVS
2   Balistiq
2   Mega fm
1   RTV
1   Radio Campus Lille
1   Fréquence Luz
1   Radio Verdon
1   Hag Fm
1   Collines la radio
1   M6
47   Fire On The Mountain
15   Jailer
12   Be My Man
7   360
4   Why Can't We
2   360 Degrees
2   bro da ole
1   iba
1   preacher man
1   The Way I Feel
1   No one knows
1   Maybe
1   360° (Radio Edit)
1   So beautiful
1   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
02 20146110
30   ODS Radio
11   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
6   Radio Gâtine
4   Radio Campus Amiens
4   Neptune Fm
2   Mega fm
1   RTV
1   Balistiq
1   R-Dwa
1   Sing Sing
27   Fire On The Mountain
19   Jailer
8   be my man
2   360 Degrees
2   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   360
1   May Be
01 20145212
22   ODS Radio
7   Sing Sing
6   Neptune Fm
4   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
4   Sun
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Demoiselle Fm
1   R-Dwa
1   Divergence Fm
1   RTV
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Mega fm
20   Fire On The Mountain
12   Jailer
5   Be My Man
3   Why can't we
2   360 Degrees
1   subway
1   dreamer girl
1   eye adaba
1   Maybe
1   ok ok
1   why can t we
1   the way i feel
1   no one knows
1   Bimpé
1   360
12 2013307
16   ODS Radio
4   Neptune Fm
4   Sun
3   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Balistiq
1   Demoiselle Fm
1   RTV
12   Fire On The Mountain
9   Jailer
5   Be My Man
1   Why can't we
1   360
1   360 Degrees
11 2013618
31   ODS Radio
7   Radio Campus Amiens
7   Sun
7   Neptune Fm
6   Sing Sing
1   Radio Oloron
1   RTV
1   Radio Pulsar
19   Fire On The Mountain
18   Jailer
6   Why Can't We
5   Be My Man
3   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
2   360
2   360 Degrees
1   why can t we
1   baby gone
1   Maybe
1   subway
1   eye adaba
1   Why can't we (radio edit)
10 20134311
27   ODS Radio
3   Sun
2   K6 Fm
2   Bac Fm
2   Neptune Fm
2   Radio Campus Amiens
1   Balistiq
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Sing Sing
1   RTV
1   Radio Nova
19   Jailer
17   Fire On The Mountain
2   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
2   Be My Man
1   bibanke
1   Why Can't We
09 2013647
41   ODS Radio
8   Radio Campus Amiens
6   Neptune Fm
3   Sun
3   Radio Gâtine
2   Radio Pulsar
1   K6 Fm
27   Fire On The Mountain
24   Jailer
4   Why Can't We
3   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
3   360
1   Be My Man
1   360 Degrees
1   Maybe
08 2013547
35   ODS Radio
5   Radio Campus Amiens
4   Radio Gâtine
4   Sun
3   Divergence Fm
2   Balistiq
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
22   Fire On The Mountain
18   Jailer
4   360
2   Why can't we
1   Awi
1   Feeling Good (live)
1   Peace
1   Eyi @dab`
07 201311615
42   ODS Radio
19   Radio Phénix
15   Radio Gâtine
11   Neptune Fm
6   Divergence Fm
5   77 Fm
5   Sun
3   Tonic radio
2   Radio Campus Amiens
2   Mega fm
2   RTV
1   Radio Pulsar
1   Radio Oloron
1   Balistiq
1   Hit West
31   Fire On The Mountain
29   Be my man
25   Jailer
6   360
5   Why Can't We
4   360°
3   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
3   Be A Man
3   Awi
3   360 Degrees
2   No one knows
1   Maybe
06 201311214
27   ODS Radio
22   77 Fm
21   Radio Phénix
9   Radio Gâtine
8   Radio Campus Amiens
5   Neptune Fm
5   Divergence Fm
5   Bac Fm
3   Sun
3   Balistiq
1   Radio Pulsar
1   RTV
1   Variation Fm
1   Tonic radio
28   Jailer
28   Be my man
23   Fire On The Mountain
15   360°
3   Why can't we
3   360
2   360 Degrees
1   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   Peace
1   Be A Man
1   Awi
1   Eyi @dab`
1   No One Knows
1   Maybe
05 201312713
36   ODS Radio
26   77 Fm
19   Radio Phénix
12   Radio Gâtine
11   Divergence Fm
8   Radio Campus Amiens
6   Sun
3   Bac Fm
2   RTV
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Hit West
1   Radio Oloron
1   Variation Fm
34   Fire On The Mountain
28   Jailer
25   Be my man
18   360°
6   360
6   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
3   Bi'ban Ki
2   No One Knows
2   Why can't we
1   Peace
1   Subway
1   Jailer (live)
04 201312014
24   ODS Radio
22   77 Fm
22   Radio Phénix
12   Radio Gâtine
10   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
9   Sun
5   Radio Campus Amiens
4   Bac Fm
4   K6 Fm
3   Divergence Fm
2   RTV
1   Radio Nova
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Variation Fm
36   Fire On The Mountain
27   Be my man
23   Jailer
20   360°
6   360
3   Why can't we
1   3600
1   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   360 (live)
1   Eyi @dab`
1   Subway
03 201310516
22   ODS Radio
17   Radio Phénix
12   77 Fm
10   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
8   Sun
6   Divergence Fm
6   K6 Fm
6   Radio Campus Amiens
6   Bac Fm
4   Radio Mont-Blanc
2   Variation Fm
2   RFL
1   Radio Gâtine
1   RTV
1   Balistiq
1   Collines la radio
33   Fire On The Mountain
28   Jailer
20   Be my man
7   360°
6   Why can't we
2   360
2   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   Subway
1   Bi'ban Ki
1   Eyi @dab`
1   Peace
1   360 °
1   No One Knows
02 201313014
32   ODS Radio
19   77 Fm
18   Radio Phénix
14   RFL
11   Radio Gâtine
10   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
6   Sun
6   Bac Fm
4   Divergence Fm
4   Radio Campus Amiens
3   Mega fm
1   Balistiq
1   RTV
1   Le mouv'
33   Fire on the mountain
33   Jailer
24   Be My Man
14   360°
9   360
2   Bimp
2   Bibanke
2   Questions
2   Awi
2   Peace
2   01
1   Subway
1   Why can't we
1   Bi'ban Ki
1   Eyi @dab`
01 201313115
25   ODS Radio
19   Radio Phénix
16   RFL
15   77 Fm
11   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
9   Radio Gâtine
9   Sun
8   Divergence Fm
7   Radio Campus Amiens
6   Bac Fm
2   RTV
1   Radio Oloron
1   Balistiq
1   Mega fm
1   Le mouv'
36   Jailer
32   Fire On The Mountain
24   Be my man
11   360°
7   360
4   Questions
3   Why can't we
2   Subway
2   Eyi @dab`
2   Maybe
2   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
2   The way i feel
1   Awi
1   Eye Adaba
1   No One Knows
12 201211814
27   ODS Radio
21   RFL
17   77 Fm
14   Radio Phénix
9   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
7   Sun
6   Divergence Fm
4   Collines la radio
3   Radio Campus Amiens
3   Bac Fm
3   Radio Oloron
2   Mega fm
1   Le mouv'
1   K6 Fm
36   Fire On The Mountain
21   Jailer
14   Be my man
12   360°
6   No One Knows
5   Subway
4   360 °
4   Why can't we
3   Eye Adaba
2   Bibanke
2   Peace
2   Or
2   Preacher man
2   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   360
1   3600
1   01
11 201211615
24   ODS Radio
21   RFL
15   Radio Phénix
12   77 Fm
9   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
8   Sun
6   K6 Fm
6   Divergence Fm
4   Bac Fm
3   Radio Campus Amiens
3   Radio Gâtine
2   Mega fm
1   Variation Fm
1   Radio Mont-Blanc
1   Le mouv'
39   Fire On The Mountain
23   Jailer
19   Be my man
6   360°
4   Preacher man
4   Why can't we
3   Iba
3   Ok ok
3   Or
2   Questions
1   Be My Man (Radio Edit)
1   Jailer (live)
1   3600
1   Bimp
1   Maybe
1   The way i feel
1   Peace
1   Bi'ban Ki
1   Subway
10 2012157
4   ODS Radio
3   Radio Fever (ex Pytagor)
2   Radio Gâtine
2   Le mouv'
2   K6 Fm
1   Sun
1   Bac Fm
11   Fire On The Mountain
2   Jailer
10 201121
2   Europe 1
2   Maybe
08 201151
5   Europe 1
5   Maybe
07 201121
2   Europe 1
1   Be my man
1   Maybe
06 201111
1   Europe 1
1   Be my man
05 201191
9   Europe 1
9   Why can't we
04 2011101
10   Europe 1
10   Why can't we
03 201151
5   Europe 1
5   Why can't we